Example sentences of "[verb] staring at the " in BNC.

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1 She seemed to stand staring at the two of them , and they at her , for a long time , while outside , where night was making of the road a strange country , the vegetation grew black and monstrous .
2 I stop staring at the dancers as a French girl approaches .
3 When Jazz was in bed , lying staring at the strange patterns the lime-tree leaves , illuminated by the lamp-post , made on his bedroom ceiling , his father came up to him , moving softly round the door .
4 Oh , no ; whatever it was wanted to introduce itself at some stage , because one night she was lying staring at the dark when it seemed as though her head simply filled out into a large horizon .
5 As she turned her back on him , she was breathless with rage , lying staring at the darkened wall of the cabin , aware he had completely turned her confrontation to his advantage and beaten her hands down .
6 Days spent staring at the wall .
7 They sit staring at the sunlight reflected off the monotonous river .
8 He was found seated staring at the wall , as if something unmentionable was to be found there that they could not see .
9 The solution is to enjoy staring at the cat at moments when it is not staring back .
10 I lay staring at the People below , coming to and going from the Silberner Hirsch .
11 For a while she lay staring at the wall .
12 Bewildered , she slid into bed beneath a vast grey and emerald silk quilt , and lay staring at the patterns of light thrown on the ceiling by the white bedside lamp .
13 Instead of a glance , which is always acceptable , they keep staring at the animal in a way that makes it feel uncomfortable .
14 They come in , the doctor , the Warden , me social worker , the nurse , any of them lot , and you 're sitting staring at the walls not doing nothing … .
15 The middle section parted company next , landing neatly between two branches , and Mother was left staring at the tip section , contemplating disaster .
16 He rolled over , and she was left staring at the daunting stretch of his broad back .
17 corinder and no more except on occasions with great the bowl never wanted washing , the boys polished , polished them with their spoons till they shone again and when they , when they had to form this operation , which never took very long , the bowl , they would sit staring at the copper with such eager eyes as if they could of devoured a of which it was composed .
18 Corbett just sat staring at the wet walls : the cell was narrow and fetid , a grating high in the wall gave a little air and light .
19 Grant , stunned , sat staring at the cell entrance , not sure if he had imagined what he 'd seen , or not .
20 We sat staring at the rain streaming down the windscreen .
21 Harry switched off the engine and sat staring at the big , grey , stone-built mansion with a sense of shock .
22 I sat staring at the empty screen for a long time , oblivious of everything around me , including Frejji 's cursing as she struggled with interfield links .
23 Wycliffe felt like patting him on the head , but he thanked him and saw him off with his samples , then he went back to his little office and sat staring at the wall .
24 Dame Ermengilde , even though she was in the presence of royalty , sat staring at the wall opposite her .
25 For a few seconds Luce sat staring at the closed door , trying to make sense of this latest development , before looking down at the tray .
26 I stood staring at the jeep as it bumped and swayed over the uneven ground of the orchard until it reached the road and then disappeared in a cloud of dust .
27 Miss Bedwelty stood staring at the horses for some time , standing with her hand on her hips .
28 ‘ What 's wrong ? ’ asked his mother as the boy stood staring at the moving hand rail .
29 She stood staring at the yellow-flowered table cloth , as phrases formed and reformed inside her head , but she said nothing .
30 Merrill stood staring at the portrait , too stunned to deal with the battery of questions that bombed her brain .
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