Example sentences of "[verb] suffered [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The feature is thought to be a former Cimmerian high block which has suffered inversion in the Cretaceous ( see Profile 1 , Fig. 8 ) .
2 Plaintiff must prove that he has suffered damage as a result of the interference
3 As Bertram is owed a duty of care , the Trust would appear to be in breach of duty by failing to maintain the boat , and Bertram has suffered damage as a result .
4 The commission of a public nuisance can only be tortious however where an individual can prove he has suffered damage over and above the rest of the community and that such damage is direct and substantial .
5 Mr John Patten , who has suffered frustration for so long before reaching the Cabinet , now has the chance to prove himself in a formidably difficult role .
6 If an individual has suffered grievance at the hands of the administration , he may be able to obtain redress through the courts .
7 As between themselves , the purchaser and the vendor are bound under the terms of the sale agreement by the decisions of the expert , but the provisions in the sale agreement do not prevent the aggrieved party , whether it be the purchaser or the vendor , from attempting to bring a claim against the expert if it can be shown that such party has suffered loss under the normal principles of the law of negligence ( see Arenson v Casson Bechman Rutley & Co [ 1977 ] AC 405 ) .
8 Allegations such as these are easy for the investor to make and , if they can not be disproved , may give an investor a right of action for any loss he has suffered under s 62 of the FSA , which provides a direct right of action to a private investor who has suffered loss as a result of a contravention by an SRO member of the conduct of business rules .
9 There are certain other circumstances in which this problem of unduly encouraging an authority to reach a particular decision does not arise and in which a scheme of compensation might be feasible and desirable : where there is no question of a decision being re-made , notably where the time-limit for challenging an allegedly illegal decision has run out ( through no fault of the applicant ) ; or where a citizen has suffered loss by relying on a representation by a public body that it will act in a particular way , in circumstances where the law will not require the body to make good its representation because it has undertaken to act illegally ; or where a court exercises its discretion not to quash an illegal decision In such cases the problem of causation does not exist because the decision in question will not be reconsidered .
10 The apple has suffered delusions of grandeur for centuries — ever since the Biblical legend of Adam and Eve reached north-west Europe and people assumed that the fruit on the Tree of Knowledge was an apple .
11 In a company of five surveyors , all of whom hold shares and are also directors , the question of whether or not an individual may allege ‘ prejudicial ’ conduct by the others will depend on whether the plaintiff has suffered harm as a member .
12 Among the latter the Qualawan Mosque has suffered cracks in all the arches of the mausoleum , and detachment of plaster decoration in the madrasa ( school building ) .
13 Since that time , it has suffered repression from the government and military authorities .
14 He 'd suffered wounds to his head and chest .
15 Pc Dines suffered bruises to his face and forehead and a two-inch gash over his eye which needed five stitches .
16 The court held that the damage suffered by the plaintiff was too remote as Weil 's disease was unforeseeable , although it was foreseeable that the plaintiff would have suffered damage from rats .
17 He was not a country man himself , and I think must have suffered torments of loneliness and boredom .
18 Three of the four employees were formally accused of fraud and forgery , and Fuji admitted to having suffered losses of 27,100 million yen ( about $200 million ) as a result of the scheme which had begun in 1987 .
19 It 's full of historic buildings , including a marvellous cathedral and appears not to have suffered damage during World War II so that there is much architectural variety from many eras including the nineteenth and early twentieth century too .
20 The Parliamentary Commissioner Act of 1967 established the office of Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration , whose main task is to investigate complaints of citizens who claim to have suffered injustice in consequence of maladministration by central government departments , which include the Health and Safety Executive and the Department of the Environment , in the exercise of their administrative functions .
21 ‘ ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of this Act to the contrary , any person suffering loss by reason of any rectification of the register under this Act shall be entitled to be indemnified. ( 2 ) Where an error or omission has occurred in the register , but the register is not rectified , any person suffering loss by reason of such error or omission , shall , subject to the provisions of this Act , be entitled to be indemnified. … ( 4 ) Subject as hereafter provided , a proprietor of any registered land or charge claiming in good faith under a forged disposition shall , where the register is rectified , be deemed to have suffered loss by reason of such rectification and shall be entitled to be indemnified under this Act .
22 A higher proportion of victims is likely to have suffered injury of this sort .
23 But also , by the time the programme drive came to an end [ when the Emergency ended and with it the effective coercive powers of than government ] , millions had suffered harassment at the hands of government officials bent on implementing it , many , perhaps hundreds , had died from it ; the political leaders who had willed it were out of power , and in disrepute , and the programme itself was in total disarray .
24 Tim Roberts , for Mason , said he had suffered mood swings after he had suffered injuries in an accident when a plate of glass fell on the side of his head last year .
25 Exeter had been a committed Lancastrian who had suffered forfeiture of his estates to the crown , so that in effect the endowment of the Greys was being made out of the royal lands .
26 Exeter had been a committed Lancastrian who had suffered forfeiture of his estates to the crown , so that in effect the endowment of the Greys was being made out of the royal lands .
27 No small group of favourites emerged to monopolize access to the king or royal patronage : even the Hainaulters at court attracted little of the obloquy that surrounded the Savoyards and Henry III 's court , and the families which had suffered forfeiture in the political violence between 1322 and 1330 were gradually restored .
28 It was the first centre of its kind , and was offering treatment to women who had suffered problems with previous pregnancies — women who had had handicapped babies , for example , or stillbirths .
29 On Christmas Eve 1817 a special meeting of the directors was held to consider a claim from a Mr. Simmonds who had suffered damage to himself , as well as a broken window and injury to his goods , from the horse-and-cart belonging to the House .
30 time starts to run from the date on which a reasonable person in the position of the plaintiff would have realised he had suffered damage in the form of the acquisition of a defective house .
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