Example sentences of "[verb] into the air " in BNC.

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1 A fountain of stinking saltwater erupted into the air .
2 His hands rose into the air and clenched , as though he was wrestling a bullock by its horns .
3 Brought into perfect arcs by wind and snow , the younger birches littered the track-side like ribs and tusks while the old and brittle , unable to bow before the onslaught , rose into the air like splintered spines .
4 It started out as a little ripple in the sea then it became an enormous wave it rose into the air then smashed against the breaker , the breaker broke into two .
5 As the first curl of smoke rose into the air , the full enormity of what was happening came home to Sara .
6 But that day his mother had suddenly flown a warning flight , while his father rose into the air and swooped into the valley and back beneath the cliff edge , and suddenly a man was there with something green in his hand which rose into the sky above him and came down towards him .
7 By the time the plane rose into the air it was dark .
8 Tiny pieces of skin shrivelled and cooked on the red-hot ring and wisps of smoke rose into the air .
9 Immediately with a great flutter of wings the pigeons rose into the air and circled above the terrace .
10 Behind him there was a rumble as the great octagonal slab rose into the air , hung for a moment on one edge , and crashed down on the floor .
11 The presence of the two bishops , not to mention the priests and nuns , gave confidence to everybody as the plane rose into the air .
12 I sat in front of him watching as he ate , my eyes following his hand from the moment his fingers plunged into the bowl until it rose into the air , and carried the food into his mouth .
13 As he applied it to Putt 's body the sickening stench of burning flesh rose into the air and one of the gipsy men uttered a faint sound of revulsion .
14 It rose into the air and was dark against the moongleam through the clouds .
15 His long black scaled body rose into the air and fell upon the now swerving military vehicle .
16 A trickle of wax , a hiss of steaming ale , a molten wedge of congealed pots and pans , clots of silver , the black ash of canvas , a gout of feathers exploding into the air ; and an eerie ringing of reforged wheelrims , wagon arches and barrel rings .
17 That fact alone makes it clear that they must have been preceded into the air by other vegetarian forms which , judging from the primitive nature of their anatomy , were probably cockroaches , grasshoppers , locusts and crickets .
18 A classical defence and attack stance : the low body position allows the adept either to drop to the floor or leap into the air , depending on the given situation .
19 There is no crew as such because the Doom Diver effectively launches himself , although it is assumed that there are a number of Doom Divers ready and willing to step forward and be catapulted into the air .
20 As discussed above there are assumed to be a number of willing Doom Divers ready and waiting to step forward and be catapulted into the air .
21 Each Doom Diver Catapult is assumed to have an infinite supply of Doom Divers ready and waiting to be catapulted into the air .
22 Nor did the tide ebb once the horse was unsaddled : Jonjo O'Neill , having weighed in , hoisted the rejected Tony Mullins on to his shoulders , and the diminutive Mrs Hill was lifted into the air by the ecstatic mob .
23 Sacher 's car was lifted into the air by the violence of the explosion , its sides were torn off .
24 4 The attacker is lifted into the air .
25 Therese 's pure golden voice lifted into the air , up into the chandelier , effortless , joyful .
26 One of the Moths now at Mandevelle has been on static display in a motor museum for years , and is now almost ready to leap into the air again ; an excellent idea .
27 It was almost under the mare 's hoofs when it saw fit to leap into the air and then dart away at speed .
28 ‘ It is correct , is it not , that your seigneur is vanished into the air .
29 The US Energy Department has acknowledged that , since the 1950s , substantial amounts of radioactive tritium gas have been emitted into the air and water from its nuclear weapons plant in Savannah River , South Carolina .
30 In April a restlessness seemed to come into the air as the village began to throw off the lethargy of winter .
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