Example sentences of "[verb] so hard that " in BNC.

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1 As he pulled away , the leaves on the trees shuddered and the rain began to fall so hard that it jumped back off the tarmac , turned to mist .
2 With her heart thumping so hard that her ears were deaf to any other sounds , Sarah hurled herself down into the dip .
3 Her heart was thumping so hard that she could feel the breath catch in her chest .
4 The inexperienced pilots often try to soar in unusable lift , and they concentrate so hard that they do n't recognise that they are drifting away and are not going to get back to the field .
5 A beautiful witch , Carrie thought , and her heart began to thump so hard that she was sure Hepzibah must hear it .
6 Yeah , but it freezes that quick that when it falls overnight and then by the morning it frozen so hard that you can walk on top of it
7 The object here is to train so hard that the muscles work mainly in an anaerobic fashion , and fatigue-producing lactic acid is produced .
8 Robyn was trembling so hard that she could barely breathe .
9 I practised so hard that several windows of the house were broken , and my ball was confiscated for a week , which broke the concentration as well as the window .
10 But if we react too strongly to fear , the brake is applied so hard that we come to a standstill , and fail to grow — which means a wasted lifetime .
11 He 's made me work so hard that I feel tired and ill .
12 Some diets may emerge so hard that it is impossible for them to be eaten by weanling mice .
13 It was the weather which really decided the issue for , one observer wrote , ‘ It blew a great storm and rained and hailed so hard that the water came out of the soldiers ’ shoes . ’
14 My father worked so hard that I did not have to give too much of my ‘ dole ’ money to housekeeping .
15 Nails kicked the bicycle rack so hard that two bikes fell out .
16 They laughed so hard that Nathan had to pull off the road .
17 He laughed so hard that he had a fit of coughing which , in turn , caused big tears to roll down his face .
18 ‘ I do n't see what 's funny , ’ Carrie said , and this set him off properly : he laughed so hard that he had to stop running .
19 He cried so hard that he rained himself empty .
20 He tries so hard that it seems churlish to deny him a few points for effort .
21 Last year at the RSC , she said , she 'd gone all the way through the season and had worked so hard that she had forgotten about drawing .
22 ‘ I do n't seem to care very much , Myra , but you 're right — I do want the show to succeed ; so many people have worked so hard that I ca n't let them down . ’
23 The snow was blinding but had blown so hard that it had not yet formed a blanket on the land .
24 The crisis is hitting so hard that most of the people are unemployed , and you see children begging in the streets or forced to go out to work .
25 As the dancers changed partners , set to each other , backed away , then set again and spun with crossed arms , Donald McCulloch became masterful , gripping the girls ' hands strongly , spinning so hard that the balls of their feet ached on the cobbles , and passing them on with an almost lordly flourish of his arm .
26 She kept maniacally busy so as not to feel sorrow and set herself the goal of working so hard that at night she fell into bed exhausted .
27 ‘ We 've both been working so hard that this break has given us the opportunity for a second honeymoon , ’ he told her smoothly .
28 ‘ Most did n't see it that way , ’ uttered Ruth , her heart beating so hard that it was unreal .
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