Example sentences of "[verb] an [adj] term " in BNC.

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1 Offa 's description of Ealdred as ‘ my subregulus , dux , that is , of his own people , the Hwicce ’ ( CS 223 : S 113 ) , which reveals dux becoming an acceptable term for a sub-king , dates to as late as 778 , twenty years after Offa 's accession .
2 The geometric no-arbitrage condition contains an extra term ( y ) which is half the difference between the average of the variances of the instantaneous returns on the shares in the index ( ) and the variance of the instantaneous return on the index ( ) , that is , y = ( ) /2 .
3 Similarly , English has never chosen to find an equivalent term for avant-garde .
4 ( p751 ) Where there has been no reliance upon the description , it is unlikely that this can be considered an essential term in the contract .
5 I tried an abortive term at Durham University Drama Department and that made me realise even more that I wanted the real thing ; by then I had , in any case , worked the AIM stint and I did n't need theory ; I wanted practice .
6 The 1980 Constitution , which was put into effect in March 1981 [ see pp. 30619-20 ; 30931 ] , provided for the re-establishment , effective 1989 , of the bi-cameral National Congress , consisting of a Senate of 38 elected and nine appointed members , all of whom were to serve an eight-year term , and a Chamber of Deputies whose 120 members were to be directly elected for a four-year term .
7 Both leases would be invalid because each purported to create an uncertain term .
8 Legislative authority is held by a National Congress , comprising a 47-member Senate serving an eight-year term ( of whom 38 are elected and nine are directly appointed by the outgoing government and the Supreme Court — see pp. 37117 ; 37488 ) and a 120-member Chamber of Deputies elected for a four-year term .
9 Given these observations , ‘ higher learning ’ may appear an attractive term .
10 I replied that if Seius Oceanus ( to whom the estate ought to be made over when he reached the age of sixteen , under trust under the will of Seius Saturninus by the trustee-heir Valerius Maximus ) died before he completed the set period of time , the estate under trust belongs to the person to whom the rest of his property will belong , since the trust vested during his lifetime , that is if by postponing the time for payment the testator would seem rather to have granted the trustee-heir custody than to have imposed an uncertain term on the trust .
11 If we add an extra term to the bottom of here representing this extra changed pattern okay ? this pattern will match just as well as that er our functions .
12 Put simply , you are constructively dismissed if your employer breaks an important term of your employment contract .
13 To use an educational term it 's an active model it 's an active model of , model of partnership and of sharing .
14 Or , to use an unfashionable term in these linguistic days , of thought .
15 Contracts of employment may contain an implied term which gives the employer the right to transfer employees to other locations .
16 Express rules will generally override an implied term if they are clearly contrary to it .
17 The first phase , that of the theologians of the 1950s and the central issues of the Council itself , might be characterized as ultramontanism versus what we may call ( using an old term , now largely abandoned ) Cisalpinism .
18 Tees-side Bridge and Engineering Ltd the Court also found an implied term in the employee 's contract to the effect that he could be required to work where directed .
19 The support agreement will have an initial term of five years .
20 Indeed , ‘ disorganized capitalism ’ seems an unhappy term for conveying what they are dealing with .
21 I was being utterly foolish ; my duty was to stay on , do A-levels , and go on to Oxford or Cambridge ( which took an extra term ) ; the local grammar school was not good enough to fulfil this latter purpose and if I went there , I would only be throwing my education away ; and , besides , did I not realise that , in the face of difficulties , one should never give up , but struggle on and thus establish a superior strength of character ?
22 The judge , Mr Justice Humphrey Potts , said he would have put Casabona behind bars for two years but he had already served an equivalent term on remand .
23 The topic could easily fill an entire term .
24 In particular , we offer an extended term for pension linked mortgages , which is more appropriate to this type of loan .
25 Before the amendments made by the Copyright ( Computer Programs ) Regulations 1992 , there was no such provision although the courts may have been prepared to imply an appropriate term into a software licence where the making of a back-up copy was reasonably necessary to the use of the program in question .
26 THE CAPTAINS SINCE 1970 ( P. indicates an additional term as President ) .
27 Some contracts of employment contain an express term giving employers the right to transfer employees from one site to another .
28 As Nourse LJ held : The description must have a sufficient influence in the sale to become an essential term of the contract and the correlative of influence is reliance .
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