Example sentences of "[verb] been shown [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This has been shown as part of the Education Programme to all INROADS ' and Support Staff .
2 ‘ Nothing has been shown about what was going in Brixton before April .
3 In subclinical infections , it has been shown under both experimental an natural conditions that O. circumcincta causes a marked depression in appetite and this , together with losses of plasma protein into the gastro-intestinal tract , results in interference with the post-absorptive metabolism of protein and to a lesser extent the utilisation of metabolisable energy .
4 Nevertheless , inverse correlation has been shown between volatile fatty acids reflecting anaerobic bacterial acitivity and altered mucosal architecture .
5 In fact , such synergy has been shown between HIV and cytomegalovirus , an agent which is unequivocally found to cause gastrointestinal symptoms .
6 A dose response to oestrogens has been shown with increasing doses having greater effects on bone density .
7 ‘ but invariably , even when we have needed to correct or update details in our reports , the sad fact remains that the overall portrait of horror has been shown to be true and if anything , understated . ’
8 Yet since 1987 , the level of child sexual abuse diagnosed in Cleveland has been shown to be no higher than elsewhere in the country , and an increasing number of people locally take the view that she should be treated in the same way as myself — allowed to return to work as a paediatrician in Cleveland , but restricted from working in child abuse for the time being .
9 For example the sport of crown green bowling , which was very little known outside of the north of England , has been shown to a wider public ; the greens are often oddly bereft of spectators , and the northern accents of the players are plainly audible as they urge on their woods or confer solemnly as a pair over the last bowl of an important ‘ end ’ .
10 The seized clothing has been shown to a Maltese shopkeeper who identified items found in the suitcase containing the Pan Am bomb as bought from him .
11 Mental handicap can also be reduced in cases where the likelihood of having a mentally handicapped child has been shown to be higher .
12 So the results of this trial will be of enormous benefit to mothers as in future they will be offered a treatment which has been shown to be effective .
13 The presence of at least some specialist assistance has been shown to be essential for raising the standards of the whole team .
14 This may be important as weight loss with accompanying reduction of blood pressure in obese non-diabetic hypertensives has been shown to be accompanied by reduced levels of plasma renin activity and aldosterone ( Tuck et al , 1981 ) .
15 Serum triglyceride levels are generally unaltered in both short- and long-term studies ( Dodson et al , 1985 ) , providing unrefined carbohydrate is used , as opposed to refined carbohydrate which has been shown to be hypertriglyceridaemic in some studies ( Reaven , 1980 ) .
16 A further potentially exciting area yet to be explored in the diabetic population is the dietary substitution of the ω-3 series of fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic acids which has been shown to favourably affect platelet function in non-diabetic subjects ( Siess et al , 1980 ; Thorngren & Gustafson , 1981 ; Lorenz et al , 1983 ) .
17 Alternatively anaerobic digestion of the slurry by bacteria at a temperature of about 35°C has been shown to be effective in alleviating odour emission .
18 For example , brief counselling by general practitioners has been shown to be as effective as benzodioazepine tranquillizers for patients with minor affective disorders of recent onset ( Catalan et al. 1984b ) .
19 Cannabis Teenagers often insist that cannabis is harmless , but it has been shown to be a high risk for certain users .
20 Prediction has been shown to be difficult , if not dangerous , when one thinks of all those worthy , well-written , sincerely felt , and critically-supported books that remain unread ( see Manning , 1969 ; Avery , 1972 ) , and those obvious , apparently superficial and mundane pot-boilers that gain young readers ' affections .
21 Supposition abounds not least because the custom has been shown to be much older than the legend to which its origin is attributed .
22 The objective is simple — to ensure that others learn from the experience of the identified ‘ best ’ and raise their own level of performance to that which has been shown to be attainable .
23 Excess salt has been shown to be linked to high blood pressure and may also affect the efficient function of the kidneys .
24 Those that have seemed to indicate that ESP might be at work have generally later been discredited : either the subject of the experiment has been proven to be a charlatan or the experimental procedure itself has been shown to be flawed .
25 CQD a product imported from Germany and available from specialist aquatic retailers , has been shown to be very effective in treating certain , but not all , cases of Hexamita infection .
26 This has been shown to be an effective and rapid method of training but it does require intensive supervision from an adult .
27 Medication Imipramine ( a tricyclic antidepressant , Tofranil ) is the only drug that has been shown to be significantly more effective than a placebo in reducing wetting frequency .
28 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
29 To cap it all , the administration has been shown to be not just partisan , not just radical in some of its instincts , but alarmingly accident-prone .
30 Light adaptation characterized by a decrease in rod sensitivity in the presence of background illumination has been shown to be mediated by Ca 2+ ( refs 26 , 27 ) .
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