Example sentences of "[verb] been available [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the test has been available since 1985 , the question most of us still face is when is the right time to get tested .
2 It has been available since September 1987 , with the first examinations in summer 1989 .
3 That is why , to date , food has been available through only a limited number of channels .
4 Yet such sociological explanations for men 's reticence at reporting abnormal symptoms only serves to underline the absence of a national prostate screening campaign , particularly so since a simple blood test has been available over the last four years which can detect the likely presence of prostate cancer .
5 Depo-Provera has been available for short-term use in Britain since 1978 .
6 This facility has been available for most of the season running on certain days of the week using a vintage bus supplied by the Wilts and Dorset Bus Company .
7 Demand for the new product , which has been available for around a year under MS-DOS , is apparently spiralling with orders received so far from British Telecommunications Plc , Sun Alliance , Citibank and retailer The Body Shop .
8 In most languages with writing systems alphabetic fingerspelling has been available for over two hundred years .
9 We have described this process earlier ( chapter 6 ) , and it seems to occur in every case where fingerspelling has been available for some time and there has been a strong hearing influence .
10 IBIsys has been available for four years and has around 15,000 customers scattered across Italy , Europe , Canada , South Africa and Australia .
11 N. American Star has been available for a few years here in the UK .
12 Thus a verdict at an inquest of natural causes aggravated by lack of care has been available for many years .
13 Groups of bed-sitters with communal lounge facilities have been tried , and in some places the shared lounge has been available for social facilities for the old people of the neighbourhood .
14 You must have been sold old stock , Robert — a driver for the BJ-10E has been available for at least eight months .
15 Moreover , to offer vocational courses such as TEC and BEC , where these were not previously available , would have required suitably qualified staff and appropriate facilities at a time of recession when money has been available for neither .
16 Any management training that has been available for ryokan has been almost entirely ‘ in house ’ up to now , although the whole area of hotel management training is being rethought in Japan .
17 According to Professor Ian Fells of Newcastle University , the technology has been available for a while .
18 Here , too , the cassava variety is the result of breeding work at IITA which has been available to farmers since 1978 .
19 In reply , Sir Derek said that though he could not speak for other directors , ‘ my resignation has been available to the board from the day all this started .
20 Rubella ( German measles ) can cause devastating damage to the fetus in early pregnancy and girls who have not had an attack of this disease by the age of puberty are offered immunisation against this virus so that any baby conceived would be protected , although this should soon be rare in the UK because from 1988 , MMR ( measles , mumps , rubella ) protection has been available to all infants .
21 Since May 1991 the Clio has been available with a fuel-injected 1.8-litre petrol engine and October 1991 saw the introduction of the 16-valve high-performance model .
22 The PFA chairman no longer figures in Bassett 's first-team plans and has been available at a bargain £70,000 since the end of last season .
23 This is the first time that such a service has been available at a tennis event .
24 The growing numbers of underemployed middle- or upper-class women , for whom unpaid charitable work was one of the very few socially acceptable occupations , supplied a willing and almost endless supply of volunteers for such activity , such as has been available at no other period of British history .
25 In the light of what has been available on the market between 1986 and 1989 , it is fascinating to see what was not acquired as well as what has been bought .
26 Although its standard Informix SE relational database engine has been available on DOS since 1984 , Informix Corp appears to have made little impact on the lower end of the market , concentrating instead on its core Unix business .
27 The full code has been available on InterNet for the last two months and was to go on CompuServe last week , according to Dr Dobbs ' editor Jonathan Erickson .
28 This type of index is used in the Indexed Sequential Access Method ( ISAM ) that has been available on IBM mainframe computer systems since the late sixties , and is now available on some microcomputers .
29 While there have been papers and reviews aplenty , no single book has been available until now to embrace the microbial populations which flourish and decline , evolve and stagnate , as co-terrestrials with man and the other animals .
30 With this in view the consensus among the agencies is that there will be some discounting , because nobody can ever get it exactly right , but nothing like what has been available in recent years .
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