Example sentences of "[verb] been hand down " in BNC.

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1 The self-destructive streak in Scottish football is a legacy that has been handed down from Hughie Gallacher in the '20s to Mo Johnston in the present day , but it finds its most bloated expression in Slim Jim , a player whose massive reputation was built on his slender athletic frame but whose downfall has been a rake 's progress of late nights , seedy bars and relentless beer bellies .
2 The story of the blacksmith 's involvement in the Battle of Drumclog can not be substantiated by any written record of the battle but it has been handed down through many generations of people in the Irvine Valley and spoken of with pride .
3 It is this tradition which I suspect has been handed down over the generations in particular families , but which is dying out .
4 Mrs Harker , an old resident of the village and a member of the feast committee , told me that the tradition of burning Bartle has been handed down orally from one generation to the next .
5 The centuries ' old recipe has been handed down from father to son .
6 In part it must mean that past generations of people have created a culture and it has been handed down to the present generation .
7 The connotations of this in the creation of manhood were made clear by Baden Powell , founder of the Scout movement , who observed that masturbation checks the semen from getting its full chance of making the strong , manly man : ‘ You are throwing away the seed that has been handed down to you as a trust instead of keeping it and ripening it for bringing a son to you later on . ’
8 A lot more responsibility has been handed down and readily being accepted .
9 He knew the sentences that had been handed down to his associates .
10 All that was important of human knowledge had been handed down — no one knew for certain whence old science had come — and only in interpretation was there ever anything which was novel or innovative .
11 My mother kept the box in a cupboard in her sitting-room along with all manner of other things which had been handed down through her side of the family .
12 Meanwhile work on full employment policy had been handed down by the politicians to a committee of officials .
13 McBride , who was present to hear the findings , refused to talk to reporters after the judgment had been handed down .
14 The word had been handed down from the so-called serial killer , Alan Yentob , the newly-appointed BBC1 controller .
15 Because modesty in behaviour is such a high priority , these laws of Taharat HaMishpachah have not been publicized , but have been handed down throughout the generations .
16 Recollections have been handed down by word of mouth , of spindle spinning and early spinners in wool and flax , who lived at Adamthwaite .
17 Many tales have been handed down and a great number of myths have been created around his memory .
18 But lap-steel is a relative newcomer to the island 's culture when compared with the tradition of slack key guitar , a beautiful acoustic fingerpicking style based around dropped , or ‘ slack ’ open tunings which have been handed down through the generations .
19 Shipbuilding skills have been handed down from generation to generation and now these proud men who helped to put the ‘ Great ’ into Britain are tossed aside because the Government does n't know how to get out of the hole it has dug .
20 ‘ You say that the paintings have been handed down .
21 Now , although St Petersburg is full of some of the greatest treasures of the world , full of riches that have been handed down from the imperial days , there is very little about the tsar and his family at the time of the revolution .
22 Panalpina have been handed down by the House of Lords .
23 Flood-stories have been handed down in many languages from most parts of the world .
24 Their sunny main bedroom is the perfect home for older pieces of furniture , most of which have been handed down through the generations — Mary Jane 's mother made the tapestry fireguard and her great-grandmother made the beautiful bedspread
25 TRADITION ( SOCIAL ) — refers to the values , standards , beliefs , sentiments and , in general , the ways of thinking in a social group , which have been handed down from generation to generation .
26 essay , and what 's more , using the same sort of language and form that have been handed down by mainly male-dominated art historians ?
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