Example sentences of "[verb] been press for " in BNC.

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1 Although the results achieved by the Leeds adjournment system appeared to favour its widespread adoption , this has not happened , although adjournment has been pressed for in some parts of the country — for example , in South Wales — and has been regarded as useful in certain cases by many authorities .
2 But Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown , who has been pressing for CUTS in interest rates , said the rise was ‘ disastrous . ’
3 But the Shelby County Commission has been pressing for an investigation since the 1991 book The Death of Elvis : What Really Happened , quoted doctors as saying Presley died of a drug overdose .
4 What we decided to do , because I thought that 's what you 'd been pressing for , was to show that as the equivalent affect of , okay , you think you 're making these profits but you 're actually enjoying services that you 're not paying for .
5 The British position had been to press for intergovernmental co-operation on foreign , security and judicial matters ( outside the European Community as such ) and to emphasise the deepening of the democracy of the national parliaments of the Member States rather than of the European Parliament itself .
6 My predecessor , Patrick Jenkin , had been pressed for savings and so too had his Labour predecessors , David Ennals and Barbara Castle .
7 He has already been stripped of all his posts , but hardliners had been pressing for a public trial on criminal charges , though this looks unlikely .
8 MPs had been pressing for an enquiry following the publication of a damning report on the state of school discipline by the Professional Association of Teachers in 1987 , which was given prominent coverage in the press .
9 After all , the National Association of Labour Teachers had been pressing for Common Schools since 1930 .
10 He had been pressing for the opportunity to abandon himself , free of dogma , and here it was .
11 At the end of this campaign it looked at last as if the time of peace had come , when the Council for which Anselm had been pressing for the past four years could be held with royal support .
12 In point of fact the JCS had been pressing for consistent applications of containment ever since 1947 , had identified US security interests with Nationalist success in China and had declared that , if the Chinese Nationalists were to fall , the US must be prepared to accept eventual Soviet hegemony over Asia .
13 The Young King had been pressing for permission to go on a pilgrimage to Compostella but Henry II , believing that this was just an excuse to get away from his watchful eye , had instead ordered him to help suppress the rebellion in Aquitaine .
14 The NPKTF , which had taken definitive form in 1902 , had been pressing for reconciliation within the Edinburgh branch , and was to play a strongly supporting role in 1910 .
15 It was widely known , however , that China had been pressing for a Japanese imperial visit for some time as a means of marking a further stage in the country 's rehabilitation from the diplomatic isolation which had followed the Tiananmen Square massacre .
16 Several of the Board 's leading civil servants had been pressing for more equality in provision .
17 On the other hand , virtually all the demands which the Anglicans had been pressing for in their attempts to come to terms with James , such as those made by the bishops in their meeting with the King on 3 October , did .
18 Coun. Grant said he and Colburn parish council had been pressing for improved pedestrian safety at this point .
19 Labour attempted to pre-empt any jobs package by stressing yesterday that it had been pressing for such measures since before Christmas .
20 Professor Alex McDougall , convener of the institute 's VAT sub-committee , said ICAS had been pressing for Customs and Excise and the VAT tribunal to have to power to mitigate penalties .
21 You might remember I 've been pressing for this for about eighteen bloody months .
22 The engineering unions have been pressing for a 35-hour working week , but the deal at NEI — a subsidiary of Rolls-Royce — would satisfy their claim for a two-hour reduction in the working week .
23 The Americans have been pressing for much more money .
24 Local residents have been pressing for action to curb the speed and behaviour of some drivers .
25 Authorities ranging from North Yorkshire to Dorset have been pressing for funds to convert existing boys ' attendance centres into mixed facilities .
26 The aim of this legislation , as the Supreme Court noted , is to facilitate economic development , although it is fair to add that lenders both from within and outside the country have been pressing for change for some time .
27 As you will know the local residents and visitors have been pressing for a footpath along Gubberford Lane for many years .
28 Citizens ' Action and other environmental groups have been pressing for a broadening of the reporting requirements , so as to give a more accurate of pollution levels .
29 Tropical timber producers have been pressing for the ITTA , which expires next year , to be replaced by a comprehensive agreement that also covers wood from temperate forests .
30 Because of its concerns about the consultants ' figures , convention officials have been pressing for an urgent meeting of a joint Scottish Office-COSLA working party on finance since early February but that has not taken place .
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