Example sentences of "[verb] from a variety " in BNC.

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1 Funding has come from a variety of sources including the Wolfson Foundation and Charitable Trust , the Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund , the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London , the British Glass Education Trust and private donations .
2 Loans have come from a variety of country houses such as Nostell Priory , Goodwood , Saltram , Ickworth and Burghley House and are fairly evenly divided between portraits and classical mythology ; frequently both are combined .
3 Those taking part come from a variety of backgrounds and have spent several months or in some cases years receiving instruction in the faith , usually as part of a parish group .
4 For all forms of tenure , black families are more likely to be in property that is older , more crowded and in areas that are likely to suffer from a variety of disadvantages in relation to environmental and other conditions ( Brown , 1984 , pp. 66–127 ) .
5 With so few black professionals in post , most pressure for anti-racist reforms has to come from a variety of sources , from white politicians or administrators or black pressure groups working in particular localities in conjunction with anti-racist teachers .
6 The reading texts have been carefully selected from a variety of sources such as newspapers , magazines , and short stories — and are graded where appropriate .
7 The various Lives had been written from a variety of standpoints , but he observed that the best of them had been inspired with hate — hate , not of Jesus , but of the ‘ Christ of dogma ’ .
8 Caine would choose from a variety of eateries , while Poitier always plumped for Peter Langan 's elegantly seductive Odin 's , just off Marylebone High Street .
9 Or you can choose from a variety of packages with different top hotels .
10 Domestic wares were produced on the farm from clays available in the immediate vicinity ; funerary wares were manufactured from a variety of local day sources ; and imported wares .
11 Perhaps the most distinctive characteristic is the frequent presence of strong totemistic elements , ranging from a variety of traditional symbols for warding off the " evil eye " to specific tribal motifs ( usually of plant or animal derivation ) which act as both identifying " insignia " , and " talismen " to protect and increase the power of the tribe .
12 To investigate whether the changes in the octamer motif in HPV6/11 prevented the binding of Oct-1 and the cervical-octamer binding protein we had previously defined ( 15 ) , nuclear extracts were prepared from a variety of cell types and used in DNA mobility shift assays .
13 The expression of the POU class II genes was analysed using specific sets of PCR primers and first strand cDNA prepared from a variety of mouse tissues ( Figure 4 ) .
14 Bott was given huge amounts of space on the inside pages of Ink in December 1971 and January 1972 to set out the scrambled views on life which he was culling from a variety of standard left-wing and anarchist gurus .
15 Usually ground into a powder before use Pepper Sauces p101/ Hot condiments made from a variety of chilli peppers and often matured for several years .
16 They were made from a variety of timber , some from sawn splines and with points burned to make them hard .
17 Many specimens are made from mammoth ivory , but some were made from a variety of stones or even from fired clay .
18 Bottles and containers can be made from a variety of plastics which , like coloured glass , must be separated into pure and therefore more economically viable batches or be down-graded and have restricted re-use .
19 The idea that political power can result from a variety of factors , in addition to economic wealth , can be found in many studies of policy-making in Western nations .
20 Political power can result from a variety of factors including wealth , control over information , status , popularly and legally .
21 The information came from a variety of sources , including Swapo itself .
22 Members came from a variety of backgrounds , many as knowledgeable about their own regions as Watkins was about his .
23 The members of the working group came from a variety of departments
24 They came from a variety of schools and backgrounds and it is difficult to believe that their pupils are more immune to racial prejudice than those mentioned above , or that such wording does not encourage prejudice , albeit subconsciously .
25 Erm , er , the funding for that project which I understand has a total cost in excess of a hundred and sixty thousand pounds , has been met from a variety of sources , er , primarily local , but with a contribution from the County Council through the Leisure Services Committee , and also through the Resources Management sub-committee , and in a , indirect sense , in that the , the , the land transferred to the County Council from the District Council for a particular sum , when the project did n't go ahead , the land went back to the District , and had appreciated in value in the intervening time .
26 To treat the Christian story in this way was to produce the phenomenon of Gnosticism in which a claim to disclose secret revelation is combined with a mixing of myths and rites drawn from a variety of religious traditions .
27 They should also be given the opportunity to encounter types of writing drawn from a variety of other genres — such as letters , biographies , autobiographies , diaries , film or TV scripts , travel books and other non-fictional literature .
28 Penck , Claes Oldenburg and Julian Schnabel , and their work will be juxtaposed with the art of ‘ Visionaries ’ , drawn from a variety of ethnic and educational backgrounds .
29 Inspiration from these is drawn from a variety of sources , including national laws , the American Restatement , and the fertile minds of those engaged in the projects .
30 Instead she produced intelligent and efficient pastiches drawn from a variety of models — W. B. Yeats , Dylan Thomas [ qq.v . ] ,
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