Example sentences of "[verb] that both [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The results suggest that both contacts are important for effective repression , confirming the requirement for protein-protein cooperativity in operator binding .
2 Now only some fifteen or twenty years later we would know that both partners in a marriage are likely to have important careers , and may well have decided that neither one of the two should be the ‘ lead operation ’ .
3 The above experiments demonstrated that both ZNF clusters contain similar but distinct genes , and that both loci contain expressed sequences .
4 The peaceful periods demonstrated that both sides had common interests .
5 But until this has actually proved to be possible — and Jakobson would have denied that it is — it seems reasonable to accept that both kinds of equivalence constitute a distinguishing feature , if not of all poetic language , at least of a great deal of it .
6 Where Article 3 is applicable it is realistic to accept that both sides are engaged in conflict from the perspective of determining the claims of third parties .
7 Strauss maintained that both approaches were equally shallow .
8 Robin Lee in The Times maintained that both books were beneath criticism , Faludi 's for using the ‘ low-brow , flirtatious idiom of Cosmopolitan magazine ’ , French 's for being ‘ aggressive and intemperate ’ .
9 He was pleased to find that both girls shared his taste in music , although they also liked sentimental ballads and dance music .
10 It was later reported that both sides had scaled down the number of troops along the border .
11 Without revealing that both ships had been secretly assisting South Vietnamese commando raids on the North , Johnson called upon Congress to pass a resolution granting him sweeping powers to act against North Vietnam .
12 ‘ Meanwhile , I went aboard and found that both engines had failed owing to leaking radiators .
13 We also tested the methylation pattern of expressing ( -300bp promoter deletion ) and non-expressing ( -55bp promoter deletion ) transgenes and found that both transgene were unmethylated to the same extent ( data not shown ) .
14 He looked at four fourteen patients , with well differentiated on the basis of tumours , and found that both number of tumours and size of tumours were significant in determining the likelihood of recurrence .
15 The North Korean spokesman , An Byong Su , the vice-chairman of the Committee for the Reunification of the Fatherland , echoed this view , suggesting that both delegations had displayed attitudes in direct contrast to the confrontational perspectives of the past .
16 Scientists theorised that both attacks were cases of sharks mistaking divers in wet suits for seals .
17 The applicants contend that both letters show that the appeal committee failed to approach their task in the correct way .
18 Many students of social behaviour are coming to agree that both methods must be employed together .
19 A post mortem yesterday at the Natal State Mortuary in Durban revealed that both women died from multiple wounds from the panga and bush knives .
20 The examination also revealed that both women were dead before being dragged across the beach and dumped into the ocean .
21 That this is indeed the case is justified by the NMR data which show that both strands of the duplex are identical .
22 This point has been clearly demonstrated by recent reconsiderations of , for example , the nature of uneven regional development and economic under-development which show that both processes , whilst creating spatial patterns are , more fundamentally , outcomes of the operation of the economy rather than the result of autonomous geographical factors .
23 The government thus decided that both Bills would become law , but would then be suspended for the duration .
24 It has now been decided that both clubs will play on the Wednesday with 7.45 kick-offs .
25 This difficulty does not arise if one assumes that both processes co-exist from the beginning of life , that they both have adaptive functions , and they are not necessarily in conflict with one another — even though they may on occasion be .
26 This assumes that both contributions to the strain are additive so that .
27 Bribes in the Kandyan Kingdom were paid to the judge , and it was accepted that both sides would contribute .
28 I hope that both companies will be successful in the privatisation programme because both have much to contribute in different ways .
29 I only hope that both teams will restrain themselves and will try to avoid carrying on the so-called ‘ feud ’ .
30 We hope that both questions will be pursued with equal vigour and no doubt they will turn out to be unpredictably related to each other .
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