Example sentences of "[verb] at [num] foot " in BNC.

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1 Or that on their first-ever real takeoff during base checks at Prestwick , most pilots have as much difficulty keeping at 1,500 feet circuit height as does a low-hour student in a Cessna 152 ?
2 Phil Bell ; and student Claire Taylor from Belfast 's Queens University Air Squadron had pulled off a textbook forced landing when the engine of their Bulldog quit at 800 feet , a Puma from Leuchars was summoned to recover the undamaged trainer .
3 It was in the summer of 1932 that Duke paddled out alone into the biggest swell he had seen in his life , with a stiff offshore from the Koolau mountains pinning back the peaks , which he estimated at thirty feet , as big as the storm waves off Kaena Point .
4 The putt which won Vicente Fernandez the Murphy 's English Open has been measured at 87 feet .
5 Unpressurised to 10,000 feet , from 10,000 to 20,000 feet cabin altitude stays at 10,000 feet , and above 20,000 feet a differential pressure of 211 mbs is maintained with further climb .
6 He states however that the fuel was computed at that point and it was determined that there should have been 1,300 lbs remaining on arrival over Goose Bay , giving a reserve of twenty-five to twenty-seven minutes holding at 20,000 feet altitude .
7 Terry 's right arm was shattered and his head and chest gashed as he was hurled like a rag doll against the Cessna 206 — flying at 7,000 feet .
8 Bracing himself , he began to walk up the wall , his hands using the knots which were tied at two foot intervals to aid his grip .
9 During the afternoon ‘ B ’ Flight of 261 Squadron was ordered to scramble after three Ju88s reported approaching at 20,000 feet .
10 The faster aircraft could make it across without landing , and when they got permission to fly at 10,000 feet , they left .
11 Whitten Brown gave in to his instincts , and since they were cruising at 20,000 feet they were definitely higher ones .
12 A typical light aircraft cruising at 4,000 feet will burn about five gph in rich mixture , 4.5 when leaned .
13 I have seen choppers almost totally destroyed from a height of less than three inches , yet have seen many crashes which started at 100 feet , or more , and produced only minimal damage .
14 After all , it did not stretch to the floor but started at three feet six and went up to seven feet .
15 We were told to stay at 10,000 feet — unrealistic for our Tri-Pacer — because the terrorists in the mountains might shoot at us .
16 Then , floating at 30,000 feet above the icebergs of the North Atlantic , he was struck by the Great Idea .
17 They start at nine foot diameter .
18 The lift or rise in the example was taken at 50 feet but in this scheme the height of the lift , except for convenience of construction and adaptability to site is relatively immaterial .
19 I levelled at 800 feet and transmitted again : ‘ Pilot in the water , helicopter listing port ’ .
20 It was calculated that the estimated time en route would have been approximately three hours and thirty-one minutes with a fuel reserve of thirty-two minutes if the flight was flown at an altitude of 31,000 feet , and a fuel reserve of nineteen minutes if the flight was flown at 28,000 feet .
21 She shot him a look designed to kill at fifty feet , but he only raised one eyebrow in mute enquiry .
22 Needless to say , the cairn crumbled , probably sabotaged by a disgruntled worker who got home to find he 'd already read this particular volume of Gaelic poetry , and Ben Lawers remains at 3,984 feet .
23 The flight was conducted at 39,000 feet and the crew cancelled the instrument flight plan in the vicinity of the Palm Beach , Florida VORTAC facility while descending through 10,5000 feet .
24 Fortunately the visibility was excellent , and so we could fly at 3,000 feet above the terrain to give us a larger cone of vision as well as options in the event of engine failure .
25 The spotted mare came from Billy Smart 's and jumps a flaming hoop suspended at five feet , the chestnut in the horsebox is an ex-hunter who once belonged to the Duke of Beaufort , this one I 'm holding has been placed twice round Badminton , and Hoomey 's — ’
26 An hour or so working at 150 feet is hard work .
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