Example sentences of "[verb] at [det] moment " in BNC.

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1 They lay up all the following day , expecting to be attacked at any moment , but no enemy showed up .
2 What made you jump at that moment ?
3 All he did know at this moment was that it seemed a shame a girl such as Maggie here , with brains , because she was no fool , and a talent such as she had , should be encased in a body that held no appeal .
4 And that 's something we must do before the next meeting so that I can answer the questions , cos we do n't really know at this moment .
5 The last thing that the country needs at this moment are the sort of enormous tax increases being advocated covertly by the Opposition — the tax increases implied by their sky-scraping public spending plans .
6 El conde hovered over his kingdom like an eagle , sharp-eyed and cold , ready to swoop at any moment .
7 In my desperate fear and danger , I was like a pain-maddened animal , ready to kill or wound at any moment .
8 The farmer approached at that moment and was angry with Tess for wasting time talking to a stranger .
9 After all , I had no real claim upon your attention , and I knew I meant so little to you I could be dropped at any moment without a second thought .
10 Many inexperienced pilots do not even consider what the situation is going to be and only think about what is happening at that moment .
11 This aspect of Relativity is difficult fully to understand , but in simplest terms we can say that it is impossible to consider whatever is happening at this moment on & alpha Centauri , about 4.5 lightyears away , as sharing a ‘ now ’ with whatever is happening here .
12 Most criminals would have panicked at that moment .
13 Coutts had been informed that a cheque for $6m was expected at any moment from MGM films in America — payment for the distribution rights of Electric Dreams .
14 It was for this convict , who could be caught and hanged at any moment , that I had deserted Joe .
15 All her own passion had died out of her : she felt deflated ; she had the desire to laugh , and she almost did as she said , ‘ Yes , I know what I want at this moment and that 's something to eat and then to get downstairs again , because , you know , it 's Father 's night for the club . ’
16 They went about their business , expecting him to appear at any moment .
17 In the exercise of his power of arrest , it was perfectly proper for the constable to have taken into account that ‘ there was a greater likelihood … that Mrs Mohammed-Holgate would respond truthfully to questions about her connection with or knowledge of the burglary , if she were questioned under arrest at the police station , than if , without arresting her , questions were put to her … at her own home from which she could peremptorily order [ him ] to depart at any moment ’ .
18 John Butcher says at this moment a man on bail for rape is on the run ine the Midlands .
19 The chances of any of her acquaintance passing at this moment and noting that she , Phoebe Petherington , was entering the evil portals of a private hospital , were , she admitted , so small as to be risible , but that did not allay her shame .
20 The maxim on which I act at any moment is the personal rule which is guiding my behaviour — for Kant it is of the essence of voluntary action that there is such a maxim in every case .
21 He stood there in the crowded classroom , half listening to Mrs Willmot , and thought of the inexorable process going on all round him — the lives whose courses were being decided at this moment , behind the innocent-seeming chatter , the smiles , the faintly carnival atmosphere of families having a day out .
22 DeVore touched the pad , pausing at that moment .
23 I did not know what to say or do at this moment but just said ‘ Thy will be done ’ .
24 But all I can do at this moment in time is tell you where I stand today .
25 But we believe we know what at this moment the country wants , and we believe it is for us in our strength to do what no other party can do at this moment and to say that we at any rate stand for peace …
26 The House of Lords was deliberating at that moment whether such people could legally be Trustees of a Church of England School ( it was eventually decided that they could not ) .
27 They moved out slowly into the corridor , Chen looking about him , prepared at any moment to thrust the knife deep into Herrick 's throat .
28 Dimly , in what seemed at that moment to have been another existence altogether , she remembered Jurgen and Horst arguing that there was actually something dynamic and hopeful about the forces of good and innocence being so demonstrably at risk from the satanic .
29 He was as usual training his sights exclusively on the goal currently in view , in this case the unification of South Africa , the kindergarten campaign for which seemed at that moment to require a concession to Afrikaner racial prejudice .
30 All at once , I was in a wild fury of rage : I saw , not Nonni , but all the foolish and ignorant people who seemed at this moment to be conspiring together against all the forces of right and reason to poison and destroy the world .
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