Example sentences of "[verb] for a child " in BNC.

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1 Local authorities are expected to take account of the child 's views when offering such provision and , where possible , to arrange for a child to go to the club or scheme of his choice ( Guidance , vol 2 , para 3.11 ) .
2 However , a child , having the book read to them , would not think of such complex ideas , and after all the book was designed for a child .
3 A similar pattern to that of P.P. has been reported for a child with a large cyst in one hemisphere .
4 Now the question for decision is whether the court should require a health authority to provide for a child treatment involving the performance by doctors of services requiring the exercise of professional skill against the will of the doctors concerned .
5 Section 17 allows the Secretary of State to specify ‘ cases and circumstances ’ under which the National Curriculum will not apply , or will be modified for a child .
6 One of the attractions of swearing for a child is that it seems a grown-up thing to do .
7 But I yearn for a child or even children .
8 If the CEMREL Research Project ( 1972 ) is any indication of what is expected it seems American teachers are looking for a child 's skill at ‘ showing ’ , and , in particular , ‘ showing ’ emotion .
9 Long ago , he had found Simon a Hindu rattle made of chased silver with an ivory handle shaped for a child to hold .
10 Professor Martin Mott believes that support for a child suffering from cancer , and his or her family , plays a major role in overcoming the disease .
11 ‘ What can I do for a child ? ’
12 When a Statement of Special Educational Needs is prepared for a child , a process which may entail segregation into a special school , the child 's level of attainment will often be a critical element in the decision-making process .
13 Joseph Gill , John Pinney 's hard-drinking cousin , lived as near by as caretaker ; Peggy Marsh , described by Dorothy as ‘ one of the nicest girls I ever saw ’ , arrived after a month to help in running the enormous house ; and from the beginning Wordsworth and Dorothy were preoccupied with caring for a child not yet three years old called Basil Montagu .
14 These tend to be those least capable of caring for a child , or those bearing a foetus with malformations for which the diagnosis is time-consuming .
15 The term abandoned is not defined in the Act but it will clearly apply where a person caring for a child has left without indicating his intention to return or making arrangements for the child 's care in his absence .
16 A parent or person caring for a child may challenge a local authority 's refusal to classify the child as " a child in need " .
17 In child protection cases the character of a parent , guardian or anyone else caring for a child is nearly always relevant .
18 A parent , guardian or person caring for a child may seek advice and assistance on his behalf ( Legal Advice and Assistance ( No 2 ) Regulations 1980 ( SI No 1898 ) , reg 8(2) and reg 14(2) ( a ) ) .
19 Clothing sets up a hierarchical order founded on a father 's liking for a child .
20 For example , in the infertility clinics , the patient 's yearning for a child meets the drive , satisfaction and status inherent in or accorded to technical brilliance .
21 Relations could become strained over day-to-day decisions such as what clothes to buy for a child , for example .
22 Relations could become strained over day-to-day decisions such as what clothes to buy for a child , for example .
23 Well I feel erm really that we should have a little bit more compassion amongst ourselves as women and when I had my first child I had a very good friend who went through the pregnancy with me who is waiting for a child to arrive by adoption , and she had the baby a couple of months after I had my baby .
24 ( a ) Powers of a single justice A single justice may exercise the jurisdiction of the family proceedings court : ( 1 ) To make the following orders on an ex parte application : ( i ) a prohibited steps or specific issue order ( s10 ) ; ( ii ) an emergency protection order ( s44(1) ) ; ( iii ) a warrant for police assistance in the execution of an emergency protection order ( s48(9) ) ; ( iv ) a recovery order ( s50(1) ) ; ( v ) cancellation of registration or variation of requirement imposed on person providing day care ( s75(1) ) ; ( vi ) a warrant for police assistance to search for children or inspect premises in circumstances specified in s102(6). ( 2 ) To grant leave to commence proceedings : ( i ) to a child wishing to apply for the discharge of a parental responsibility order ( s4(3) ( b ) ) ; ( ii ) to a person not otherwise entitled to apply for contact with a child in care ( s34(1) ( b ) ) ; ( iii ) to anyone wishing to apply for a child assessment order , the substitution of supervision order for a care order or the discharge of a care order , supervision order , or education supervision order within six months of a previous application ( s91(15) ) ; ( iv ) to anyone wishing to make a further application for a contact order under s34 ( contact with a child in care ) within six months of refusal of a previous application ( s91(17) ) ; ( v ) to a child wishing to apply for discharge of an existing custody or access order under the transitional provisions ( Sched 4 , para 11(4) ) .
25 Article 42 went on to give an almost supplementary right to the state in providing for a child 's education by acknowledging the right of parents to school their children in their own home should they wish it .
26 Where a service is provided for a child under 16 , the parents are expected to meet any charge .
27 Where accommodation is provided for a child ordinarily resident in the area of another local authority , the home authority may take over responsibility for accommodating the child within three months of receiving written notification of the situation ( s20(2) ) .
28 Jo , at what stage do you think that formal education ought to start for a child ?
29 It may recommend , for example , that the local authority or the NSPCC commence care proceedings or apply for a child assessment or emergency protection order .
30 You labor under the idea that the best people to care for a child are the people who conceived and bore him .
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