Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] times " in BNC.

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1 Mr John Constable , the painter 's great great grandson , protested in The Times : ‘ Believe me , rape is what we 're talking about . ’
2 In 1913 a Mr R. Lydekker , Fellow of the Royal Society , claimed in The Times that he and his gardener had heard a cuckoo on February 6 in Hertfordshire : ‘ There is not the slightest doubt . ’
3 It was reported in the Times Educational Supplement that Ferndale Comprehensive School in Mid-Glamorgan issued all of its first year pupils with free uniform and sports clothing .
4 In 1985 , as reported in The Times , the cost of simply storing the United Kingdom 's cereal surplus amounted to around £111 million .
5 It should perhaps come as no surprise that the Assessment of Performance Unit ( APU ) in England and Wales has some of the characteristics of the National Assessment of Educational Progress ( NAEP ) in the US ; or that new moves in the UK to establish procedures to make incompetent teachers liable to sanctions ( reported in the Times Educational Supplement .
6 At the time of argument before the Board only an abbreviated account of the judgment , reported in The Times , 16 April 1992 , was available for consideration .
7 Sir John Donaldson , President of the National Industrial Relations Court , in Midland Cold Storage Ltd v. Turner and Others , as reported in The Times , 28 July 1972 .
8 McNeill , J. in R. v. Greater London Council ex parte Kensington and Chelsea LBC dismissing an application for judicial review of a precept issued by the GLC , as reported in The Times , 7 April 1982 .
9 It was reported in The Times of 6th March 1975 that Mr Toffrey Reeves , a surveyor for the National House Owners Association , which is a cut-price conveyancing group operating in England , was ordered in the High Court on 5th March to pay £3,000 damages to a client for failing to detect structural defects in the house he bought .
10 The attention of members is drawn to the decision of the Divisional Court of Appeal in the case of Rowe & Maw v Commissioners of Customs and Excise decided on 6th March , and reported in The Times of 8th March .
11 The decision had just been reported in the Times .
12 As reported in The Times on 4 April , Bush called for forces within Iraq to unseat Saddam , anticipating a military coup mounted by disaffected generals .
13 Ten per cent suggested that the use of black and white film meant the film-maker could not afford colour ! ( results reported in The Times , 14 October 1991 ) .
14 This is because of the recent case of Lord v Tustain , reported in The Times .
15 Then , as Michael McCarthy reported in The Times on 9 September 1989 , ‘ Europe 's biggest reservoir was closed to people and animals after the discovery of a possibly poisonous bloom of algae in the water . ’
16 Bramah quotes Grant Richards as having enquired in the Times Literary Supplement , ‘ Is there really such a person as Ernest Bramah ? ’ and ( Dame ) E. Rose Macaulay [ q.v. ] as having written in the Nation and Athenaeum , ‘ The crude stilted Conan Doylish English of the detective stories certainly goes far to bear out the common theory that Ernest Bramah has a literary dual personality . ’
17 After distinguished service in World War II , first as an ambulance driver , then in R.A.F. Intelligence , Cooper embarked on a career as one of the art world 's most persistent gadflies , finding his pulpit in the form of unsigned book reviews in the Times Literary Supplement .
18 The article should appear in the Times a couple of days after I get back to New York .
19 During the year the University was featured in the Times Educational Supplement ; published the first of its new-style Annual Reports ; and attracted more favourable press comment as a forward looking , responsive institution .
20 In 1989 Clifford Longley , writing in The Times , asserted that the only hope for the Church of England was that the evangelicals take it over !
21 The police were also involved in capturing the oil-sanctions busters but Martin Bailey ( 1978 ) , writing in The Times , reported that ‘ Scotland Yard 's investigation into ( this ) major case of corporate law-breaking was surprisingly modest .
22 Writing in The Times Educational Supplement in early 1981 he observed
23 Writing in The Times earlier this month , Ross Tieman said :
24 I wonder if any of your readers noticed in The Times of 10 March how Lord Armstrong of Ilminster of the Victoria and Albert Museum 's Trustees , quite casually assumed that the independence of our national museums had already been similarly compromised ?
25 Or be buried in The Times when the fateful question is asked .
26 Rarely , if ever , in more than a decade , has a specialist in psychometrics published a review of a book on testing in the Times , The New York Review of Books , The New Republic , or other national publications that occasionally comment on testing .
27 Tom Jones and Duff argued for resignation , and Lady Astor helped to sway Dawson to the same line , which was duly reflected in The Times leader of Monday morning .
28 As Frank Johnson commented in The Times , my appearance on the short walk between the Grand Hotel and the conference centre provoked uproar from the watching demonstrators .
29 When challenged in the Times Educational Supplement on this revision , she replied in a crucial letter which should be given maximum publicity .
30 Indeed , the outline of the lake may have altered in the times between the individual surveys .
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