Example sentences of "[verb] the same conclusion " in BNC.

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1 The attack in the forest was attempted murder and he now drew the same conclusion about the dagger thrown at him the previous day .
2 I also consider ( though this may only be expressing the same conclusion in another way ) that , for the reasons given by Mr. Langley , the injunction as at present framed should be interpreted as not prohibiting compliance with the section 39 notice .
3 Each criterion will be specific enough for Bill and me to judge performance against it without hesitation and to reach the same conclusion , .
4 It followed that if the General Commissioners were entitled to their conclusion in H Ltd 's case , it was amply within their power to reach the same conclusion for B Ltd .
5 A similar conclusion was reached by Gruenberg ( 1977 ) from a population study in Sweden , although further analysis of the same population failed to reach the same conclusion ( Rorsman et al .
6 It seems to us that these acts were sufficient to support a finding of possession and indeed on the material before us we would be disposed to reach the same conclusion
7 He was quoting Aristotle , who had drawn the same conclusion three centuries before , and Plato 's view of the poet as one possessed by a ‘ divine madness ’ .
8 Writing from two very different political positions they draw the same conclusion : the Congo experience had a traumatic effect upon Nkrumah 's view of Ghana 's relations with Britain , the United States and the Commonwealth .
9 Anthony Ray has recently reached the same conclusion on art-historical grounds and we know that Seville was an important centre for the manufacture and export of tin-glazed pottery .
10 He looked at Nell , and saw that she had reached the same conclusion .
11 The Greek Orthodox Church had earlier reached the same conclusion .
12 ‘ So ye 've reached the same conclusion as Ah have , that Mario Ángel Gómez is the navigator she referred to as the man who can lead her to that icebound ship .
13 Although there was an express clause in the employment contract by which the employee was under a duty " to promote , extend and develop the interests of the company " the court would clearly have reached the same conclusion on the basis of the implied duty of fidelity .
14 ‘ I in no way dissent from this reasoning , but I should myself have been content to derive the same conclusion from the broader consideration that Parliament must have intended rating authorities to act in the same high principled way expected by the court of its own officers and not to retain rates paid under a mistake of law , or in paragraph ( a ) upon an erroneous valuation , unless there were , as Parliament must have contemplated there might be in some cases , special circumstances in which a particular overpayment was made such as to justify retention of the whole or part of the amount overpaid .
15 The United States may also be approaching the same conclusion , for between 1980 and 1988 it moved from being the world 's largest creditor to being its largest debtor .
16 Ralph Gibson L.J. , in a powerful dissenting judgment , concluded that both principle and authority prevented him from reaching the same conclusion .
17 They doubt whether the Court of Appeal would reach the same conclusion today as it had last year about the reliability of the convictions , since the Guildford case had raised questions on the adequacy of reviews of possible wrongful conviction .
18 In all logic , therefore , the court must , a fortiori , reach the same conclusion with regard to the nationality requirements at issue here .
19 This summer , I concluded that the latter was better than the former and I can give my hon. Friend no assurance that I would not reach the same conclusion again .
20 This has been confirmed in conversations with Mr Keith Turner of the Countryside Commission who reached the same conclusion .
21 Of course , individual reformers did not need to be committed Philosophical Idealists in order to adhere to the new image ; old-fashioned ageism reached the same conclusion and had more or less the same remedies for the ‘ problem ’ .
22 It was found that women on the high fat diet gained weight more easily than women on the low fat diet and a similar project for men reached the same conclusion .
23 Recently , a study of the causes of corporate failure in the UK reached the same conclusion .
24 Ho separately reached the same conclusion .
25 Cannon J. , who delivered his judgment in French , seems to have taken a wider view since he reached the same conclusion without reliance on the maxims of the civil law or the Quebec civil code : ‘ On peut dire que son droit est né en même temps qu'elle . ’
26 The other judgment in the court is that of Gillard J. who reached the same conclusion .
27 In Hart v. Edinburgh District Licensing Board , 1987 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 54 , the sheriff reached the same conclusion , but for different reasons , holding that 17 effectively repealed the concluding words of the proviso to 5.6(3) on the ground that they were merely an erroneous re-enactment of the corresponding part of the 1959 Act ; see also Clive v. Nithsdale District Licensing Board , 1987 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 113 .
28 Two important international conferences in 1988 , which reviewed the progress of techniques and controls , reached the same conclusion .
29 It did not follow that Coopers reached the same conclusion as Peats by following the same reasoning .
30 If , on the other hand , we reached the same conclusion through the second method , which begins in considering the responsibility of the institution as a whole , then the personification would have been not idle but working .
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