Example sentences of "[verb] the same pattern " in BNC.

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1 Klopping ( 1971 ) produced the same pattern .
2 Here , we encounter the same pattern which so clearly distinguishes man from the apes — notable absence of canine-tooth dimorphism , prominent displays of hair around the face and neck of the male and , in the female , a secondary sexual display on the chest .
3 The banister of the back staircase has the same pattern as the glazing bars of a glass-fronted cabinet Lutyens designed for his own house .
4 When he spoke about north Yorkshire , my right hon. Friend the Member for Selby ( Mr. Alison ) said that it would be unwise for any Government to impose the same pattern on every part of England because the differences between one part of the country and another are so great .
5 A variation on the same theme , the top mounted boilie utilises the same pattern of hook and bait to hook size ratio .
6 All show the same pattern of generally high proportions of cranial and postcranial elements and low proportions of isolated teeth .
7 One is that all three tawny owl pellet samples show the same pattern , with the range of incisor excess for the three samples being 126–136 per cent .
8 If a high proportion of its population obtains private treatment should a health authority purchase the same pattern of care from the NHS as one whose population does not have access to the private sector ?
9 In fact , modern crocodiles still have a strong resemblance to their long-lost thecodont ancestors , particularly the 230 million-year-old Chasmatosaurus , possessing the same pattern of bony scutes or plates — like armour — beneath the skin .
10 ‘ You will see the same pattern everywhere you go in the world , ’ Ellen said briskly .
11 Execution would then follow the same pattern as formulary procedure .
12 There seems little doubt that the prices of 1990 clarets asked in this year 's en primeur promotions will follow the same pattern as last year 's lot : 1989 wines on offer a year ago were reappearing in sales this January at prices up to 25 per cent lower .
13 This chapter will follow the same pattern as Chapter 4 , but this time it will look at the views and experiences of students in English and communications .
14 The historian may well follow the same pattern throughout his book .
15 An Easter examination schedule would follow the same pattern while in July the examinations committees would meet on the Tuesday and Wednesday of week 13 rather than immediately prior to the beginning of the following term .
16 They 've got a different atomic weight , cos they 've got a different number of neutrons , but they got the same number of protons and they 've got the same pattern of electrons , and the pattern of those outer electrons is what decides its chemical properties .
17 The results for intrauterine devices showed the same pattern as those for the pill , although smaller numbers reduce the significance .
18 Rather , while they showed the same pattern of alternating between slow wave sleep and REM sleep about every ninety minutes , the proportion of light sleep stages ( I and 2 ) was low .
19 Though the gastrin concentration increased with increasing gastrin releasing peptide infusion rates , the four groups of subjects showed the same pattern of response at each infusion rate ( Fig 3A ) .
20 The pepsin response to gastrin releasing peptide showed the same pattern as the acid response at each infusion rate of gastrin releasing peptide .
21 A magnification or a diminution reveals the same pattern .
22 Although the inverted-U and the more specific Yerkes-Dodson law were initially related to task performance generally , they have frequently been assumed to predict the same pattern of results with performance in memory tasks .
23 Throughout the state of Hyderabad , the smaller stations followed the same pattern in miniature : stone-built , with strongly accented quoins , and heavy arcading often relieved by tubs of flowers and shrubs , and fine iron corner brackets and lamps .
24 Our weeks followed the same pattern .
25 For example , many cases of burglary followed the same pattern .
26 Saturdays followed the same pattern , except that evenings were free .
27 His personal life followed the same pattern ; of his wives only Hartini did not secure a divorce from him .
28 These judicial decisions caused great political upheaval and resulted in the passing of the Trade Disputes Act 1906 which followed the same pattern as the Act of 1875 , protecting trade unions from actions for civil conspiracy if the acts were done in furtherance or contemplation of a trade dispute .
29 Subsequent legislation followed the same pattern , extending legal control over familiar areas such as indecency , prostitution and brothel-keeping and creating new offences around male homosexuality and incest .
30 The shock and adjustment curve followed the same pattern in all countries but the timescale differed .
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