Example sentences of "[verb] the formal [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The more important security , structure and definition are to us , the more readily we will absorb the formal signals about expected behaviour .
2 Bills then go through four stages in each House : a ‘ first reading ’ , which simply involves the formal presentation of the Bill ; a ‘ second reading ’ , at which there is likely to be a large-scale debate on the basic principles of the Bill ; a ‘ committee stage ’ , when the legislation is examined in detail ( normally by a small ‘ standing committee ’ and not by the whole House ) ; and a ‘ report stage ’ and ‘ third reading ’ , at which the Bill that emerges from the committee is approved , but may be re-amended to undo some of the actions of the committee .
3 While the majority of Japanese remained ignorant of Western social values and customs , and of the background which had given rise to them , the new Meiji government was already moving fast to demolish the formal apparatus of Tokugawa society .
4 The Catholic Media Office said 2,094 made the formal request to be received into the Church at the cathedral services .
5 Good manners demanding it , Luce made the formal introduction , adding perforce , ‘ Mr and Mrs Cook are staying in the same hotel . ’
6 Formal signals are often grouped together in an induction programme , and so anxious are we to reduce the total uncertainty to something we can understand that we will swallow the formal induction without even a whimper .
7 Sometimes , particularly if we lack the formal rituals of grief , the healing of the bereavement process gets stuck .
8 He pauses once and then hesitates again before making the statement , " I " m a great admirer of yours " ( p. 58 ) and the level of formality he uses to introduce himself ( giving his own name after using the formal vocative " Mr Crisp " to gain his attention ) is absurdly high for the situation .
9 We now turn to consider what is involved in using the formal interview schedule for a properly constituted sample survey .
10 It is relatively easy for a court using the formal language of keeping a body within the four corners of its powers to impose its own view as to what the authority should have done .
11 Adml Vladimir Chernavin , commander of CIS naval forces , arrived in the city to conduct the formal transfer of the fleet to Russia .
12 Children make progress at various speeds at different ages and by watching their activities and offering the next stage when they are ready for it teachers can give them the breadth of experience that will make the formal work of later years more meaningful .
13 Virgin , which owns the sixth largest record company worldwide , will make the formal announcement today in London , writes Mary Fagan .
14 Europe , and particularly the UK , is at the forefront in the research and development of the theories , methods and tools with which to support the formal analysis and design of computer systems .
15 Taking into account the problem raised in ( i ) above we make the formal Definition 1.6.1 ( i ) A polynomial with coefficients in Q is simply an infinite sequence unc in which the ai all belong to Q and in which all the ai are equal to 0 from some point onwards .
16 Possible future labour shortages may also affect the formal care sector .
17 None of them actually obey the formal theory which suggests that altruism towards kin in human societies is directly in proportion to shared genes .
18 The title Chair is useful in that it separates the formal role from the person occupying it . )
19 He had shed the formal suit he 'd worn previously and was dressed today in black trousers and leather jacket over a black silk shirt , sombre colours that only served to emphasise the olive cast of his skin , the night-darkness of his hair and eyes .
20 The clearing house guarantees fulfilment of all contracts by intervening in all transactions and becoming the formal counterparty to every transaction .
21 In announcing the formal closing of a procedure against the Italian authorities alleging a breach of EC rules on state subsidies , the Commission recalled that the action was prompted by the Rome government 's failure to reply to an original request for information in July 1990 .
22 Indeed MacArthur was concerned almost wholly with the culmination to his four-year struggle against the Japanese and was determined to accept the formal surrender himself as a prelude to his new role as the reformer of Japanese society .
23 In this context the discursive ( 1 ) gives priority to words over images ; ( 2 ) valuates the formal qualities of cultural objects ; ( 3 ) promulgates a rationalist view of culture ; ( 4 ) attributes crucial importance to the meanings of cultural texts ; ( 5 ) is a sensibility of the ego rather than of the id ; ( 6 ) operates through a distancing of the spectator from the cultural object .
24 The monarch retained the formal prerogative power to appoint the prime minister , but the changed political circumstances essentially dictated that the person chosen should be able to command a majority in the House of Commons .
25 Where it was advantageous to do so , the peasantry had already found ways to circumvent the formal constraints of the commune .
26 The operation of the village tribunals , established in order to circumvent the formal proceedings of the other courts , shows the tenacity of the legal system once established .
27 As such , they do not include all the varied elements that influence the distribution of income , but we have supplemented the formal algebra by a qualitative account of the most significant mechanisms that remain to be incorporated .
28 Like Marxist and elite theory , pluralist theory does not assume that those such as presidents , Legislators or ministers , who occupy the formal positions of political authority , are necessarily those with political power .
29 A traditional linguistics which studies the formal properties of a language ( its lexicon , phonology , graphology ) assumes that meaning is conveyed through correct application of the rules by users .
30 By eliminating the formal codes of obedience which in the conventual life she would have owed to her mother superior and to the canons of her order and to episcopal authority , she was able to claim a more radical obedience , an obedience to God alone .
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