Example sentences of "[verb] for [art] future " in BNC.

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1 So they will neither go to your children nor to be sold , but they will stay for the future … ?
2 Keegan 's club is building for the future on the back of 30,000 gates every home match , but the Newcastle boss refuses to discuss transfer targets and would n't comment on the Ferdinand situation yesterday .
3 ‘ Maybe , if the game was against Australia or New Zealand Alan Tait would have been preferred , but Mal Reilly is building for the future and now I have my chance I intend to make the most of it . ’
4 Not only are we investing in capital equipment and premises , we are also building for the future by investing in people .
5 They had known all along they had a good , competitive car ; a single mistake had mired them for three races ; it was now solved and they could build for the future .
6 If such a settlement is agreed , the matter should be referred to your Underwriters immediately and they will decide what cover can be given for the future .
7 If this does not happen , I fear for the future of this denomination which I love and to which I am loyal .
8 Other experts fear for the future — MDMA damages nerve terminals in rats and monkeys , and there is a strong possibility that it causes similar damage in humans .
9 Conservationists and locals fear for the future of the island and a trust has been set up to raise money to buy it for the nation .
10 Fear for the future .
11 Mercury , your ruler , begins to move through your sign , making it a good time to plan for the future .
12 We have to plan for the future .
13 This is not simply a problem which affects writers and journalists , but more importantly it plagues the lives of people in those regions , and those in government who try to plan for the future .
14 It may be said that we have to plan for the future , and I entirely agree , but most of our thoughts can be best described as nonsense .
15 If you are short-sighted , does this represent your reluctance to ‘ look ahead ’ , to plan for the future ?
16 But , all along , our main aim was to plan for the future .
17 We have to plan for the future .
18 It may be easier to plan for the future in stages and to adapt to one change at a time .
19 These included giving families reproductive choice in future pregnancies , enabling them to plan for the future with a disabled child , avoiding the experience of a delayed diagnosis , and identifying a presymptomatic cohort who might benefit from future treatments .
20 The aims were to give families reproductive choice in future pregnancies ; to enable them to plan for the future with a child with a disability ; to avoid the experience of a prolonged diagnosis ; and to identify a presymptomatic cohort who may benefit from future treatments .
21 Aurab Yakobashvili , deputy minister of science , says that the lack of such coordination makes it more difficult for the government to plan for the future of Russian science .
22 So that erm the self assessment , erm number one , How to plan for the future , is just a business planning aspect of I I P .
23 ( There was of course little incentive to plan for the future when work was often obtained on a casual basis and wages were irregular . )
24 In this context , it is likely that changes in the nature of marital relations resulting from the increasingly private nature of family life , together with an increasing tendency by working people to plan for the future , were the most important variables explaining the decrease in working class fertility during the inter-war years , at a time when the employed working man enjoyed a more regular and higher real wage than ever before .
25 It would help us to plan for the future if you would be so kind as to take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire .
26 There 's enough building land within the present Milton Keynes boundary to last until the end of the century , but the Chamber of Commerce says it 's essential to plan for the future .
27 we have our ups and downs getting money … its difficult to plan for the future like motor racing when you do n't know how much money is coming in
28 We need to plan for the future .
29 She feels the worst part of being unemployed is her inability to plan for the future .
30 In view of the current debate on the privatisation of water in Scotland , it might be well to plan for the future .
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