Example sentences of "[verb] for [art] higher " in BNC.

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1 Timetables have not yet been adjusted for the higher performance of the Class 158s and the journey time to London remains at about 5 hours .
2 The TV companies that own ITN are also clamouring for a higher bid .
3 IT IS now a little more than three years since four biologists caused a minor uproar among molecular geneticists by publishing in Nature two papers in which they argued that a substantial proportion of the DNA of animal cells may exist for no higher purpose than its own propagation .
4 All these conditions make for a higher incidence of illness among working-class than middle-class babies .
5 Is my hon. Friend aware that despite the success of local management of schools , staff are still very worried that experienced older teachers who qualify for the higher salary scales will be discarded in favour of less experienced younger staff ?
6 In Labour 's ranks Marjorie Mowlam , the shadow citizen 's charter minister , is tipped for a higher profile job .
7 ( Employees may opt for the higher quote but can expect to pay the difference themselves . )
8 It is probable that the numbers qualifying for the higher rate will be significantly reduced .
9 If one of a couple is disabled or older than the other , the couple will qualify for the higher amount .
10 One of the things about when you are old and move to a residential home I think one of the important things is that you want to go and live close to your loved ones , if you have any , and it does just worry me that if you happen to be a person who is resident in and your loved ones live in , under these terms if you went to a residential home in you would n't qualify for the higher rate and that seems to me to be wrong .
11 In Chapter 14 we saw that risky activities on average will need to earn a higher rate of return to compensate for the higher risks involved .
12 Mr. Bickerstaffe goes on to repeat : ’ We would like to have argued for a higher minimum wage , for example , but the party has said no , there are others — pensioners and so on .
13 This year the prize table was especially attractive and the wide variety of ‘ white elephants ’ presented quite a problem of which to choose for the higher scoring competitors .
14 Before expanding , arrangements must be made for the higher cash requirements needed to support trading at increased levels .
15 The current ( 1992/93 ) married couple 's allowance , together with the ceiling limits for the higher allowance , are as follows :
16 Compaq Computer Corp took the lead in the European portable personal computer market in the first quarter of 1993 according to Dataquest figures which give Compaq 22% by value and 17.5% by volume , and the manufacturer says that shipments in the period were up 89% on the first quarter of 1992 , growing four times the rate of the market , which expanded 21% — and those figures reveal the reason that Dell Computer Corp has stumbled badly in laptops and notebooks : buyers are going for the higher cost 80486-based machines that abound in Compaq 's line , while Dell 's product emphasises low-price 80386SX-based machines .
17 Erm you will also in going for the higher end of the range , er be prejudicing the urban regeneration objectives of those neighbouring districts .
18 The Fairclough report suggests that suitable UK institutions could be offered Faraday Centre status , becoming foci for technologies and expertise of industrial relevance , in which graduate scientists and engineers could work for a higher degree while engaged on contract research before moving into industry .
19 ‘ We are preserved for a higher ending .
20 Ships would race to deliver the tea , as the first of the new crop to reach land could be sold for a higher price .
21 As it was Chaplin threw him a challenge to a round of fisticuffs , accusing Mayer of encouraging Mildred , who was under contract to Mayer , to press for a higher divorce settlement .
22 In 1973 , the board used the public outcry over leaked reports of proposed cuts in the network ‘ to press for a higher level of investment , which they now thought they had a chance of being granted ’ ( Pryke and Dodgson 1975 : 23 ) .
23 CAST awards are offered for periods of two to three years dependent on the anticipated duration of the project , and they will enable students to submit for a higher degree such as MPhil or DPhil .
24 It also calls for a higher price threshold for company car tax .
25 A growing number of nurses are making a personal contribution to clinical research : some are even aiming for a higher degree .
26 Because industrial growth has been so fast there is virtually full employment , with a particular shortage of staff at the clerical/secretarial level , since the new generation of university-educated Singaporeans is aiming for the higher paid jobs .
27 To qualify for the higher limit , disablement must occur before reaching pensionable age .
28 Currently , business investment accounts for a higher proportion of GDP than at any time in the 1970s and early 1980s .
29 Some go on to study for a higher degree , and some take postgraduate courses in management or production engineering .
30 A fall off in world prices dampened the expectations of international creditor banks , which had hoped for a higher level of interest payments on Ecuador 's foreign debt ( estimated to be over US$12,000 million ) , as well as domestic hopes for increased social spending .
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