Example sentences of "[verb] it [art] bad " in BNC.

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1 Like many European economies , Austria faces a difficult year ; its close links with the ailing German economy may give it a worse time than most .
2 Do nothing that may give it a bad name .
3 Job cuts are almost certain to follow and a former Dowty director has called it the worst day of his life .
4 I do n't happen to think bolting is in the least bit environmentally damaging ( at least not compared with other activities going on around it ) but mechanical drills are bound to give it a bad image — the message her is ‘ bolters , do your stuff in winter or at night . ’
5 You could call it a bad year .
6 In fact , many felt its power had become too great and thought it no bad thing when it was forced to close , I believe in 1932 or 1933 .
7 The church historian Norman Sykes thought it a bad choice for the see , too party a man for a see which needed breadth of mind .
8 Ramsey made a speech which disconcerted the managers of the conference , who thought it a bad example of English insularity .
9 Particularly unimpressed was Nell McCafferty who thought it a bad choice as an opening movie which she assumed had been selected as a ‘ keynote ’ film for the festival .
10 Simon Draper thought it a bad idea , but realised that argument was futile .
11 The odd tipple wo n't make it a bad habit !
12 On the boat , Johnson asked about ‘ the use of the dirk , with which he imagined the Highlanders cut their meat ’ , and was told they also had knives and forks , that the men tended to hand the knives and forks to the women after they had cut their own meat which they then ate from their hands , and that one old Macdonald retainer always ate fish with his fingers , claiming that ‘ a knife and fork gave it a bad taste ’ .
13 But the longer you leave it the worse your chances are going to get .
14 I I mean poor Wynn I have n't , have n't been in touch with them for weeks and months and the longer you leave it the worse you feel about it , you know ?
15 Well the longer I leave it the worse it 'll get .
16 That makes it the worst slide since the All Share indices started in 1962 .
17 That allegory is complex , but seems mainly concerned with the way in which Frankenstein , standing for science in general , wishes to remould the world for the better , and instead leaves it a worse place than he finds it .
18 In the south level 37,000 acres went under water , and the chief engineer of the Great Ouse catchment board considered it the worst fen flood since the time of Vermuyden .
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