Example sentences of "[verb] to court for " in BNC.

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1 That case is not expected to come to court for a few months and Dairy Crest wanted to stop him trading in the meantime .
2 The purpose of the ‘ new ’ probation-order team would be to monitor standard operating procedures , research programme strategies , communications networks , command structures , and any other structural factors which might be linked to the corporation 's previous misbehaviour and then make recommendations which the company could not refuse to implement without the risk of revoking the probation licence and returning to court for resentencing .
3 It 's not got to court for sort of like , four or five weeks get adjourned or come up to the police station and then like get your hand slapped .
4 A woman with cancer has been summoned to court for refusing to pay a poll tax surcharge of just over fourteen pounds .
5 He admitted the offences but did not return to court for sentencing .
6 Elsewhere , three girls aged 15 and 16 years were brought to court for robbing a woman of 9s 2½d after they had hustled her .
7 Corporate lawyers managed to delay the case coming to court for two years and then they prolonged the proceedings for a further two years .
8 Social workers say they never had enough evidence of maltreatment to go to court for a care order .
9 If he did n't want to go to court for a very minor offence , then you could caution him .
10 But her mum refused to hand over a penny — and Chris 's parents finally decided to go to court for the cash .
11 Erm or we can make application for legal aid to go to court for a residence and contact order now .
12 When Margy eventually went to court for her new shoplifting charge the judge gave her a probation order .
13 No doubt , it would be very helpful if certain matters went to court for determination , and this may be a factor taken into account in deciding whether to assist or not .
14 After 3 months placement ( excluding first 6 weeks of a baby 's life ) apply to court for adoption order
15 She is advised she must co-operate voluntarily with this agreement , and if she does not , social workers will go to court for a care order .
16 You can go to court for an order to exclude your husband from your home or to forbid him from harassing you in any way .
17 ONE in five poll tax payers has been summonsed to court for non-payment , a report claims today .
18 In 1988 , the Union of Student Unions in Ireland ( USI ) was taken to court for SPUC ( The Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child ) .
19 Even after her father had been taken to court for the abuses his family suffered , he quickly began to turn his attention to the girls , including Penny — by then married and seven months pregnant .
20 Major has been embarrassed by unauthorised revelations : about his engagingly eccentric brother , Terry , who still bears the family 's original surname , Major-Ball ; and his sister Pat , now retired and in straitened circumstances , who was once taken to court for failing to pay the rates .
21 Some time later this ‘ incorrigible rogue ’ was taken to court for running away and leaving his wife and four children who became a charge on the parish of Felmersham .
22 The former civil servant , Clive Ponting , was taken to court for disclosing information about the sinking of the Argentine ship , the Belgrano , during the Falklands conflict .
23 The DIY store B and Q has been taken to court for allegedly breaking the law by trading on a Sunday .
24 At a time of an election when MPs at least pretend to listen to voters , object strongly and question the legality of a law which can lead to people who have paid all their poll tax being taken to court for refusing to pay non-payers ' debts .
25 You know if someone goes it 's , gets taken to court for say , a murder
26 But a senior social worker says he believes young offenders who are sent to court for first offences are far more likely to commit new crimes .
27 The doctors have recently agreed not to buy women 's eggs anymore after they were exposed by two feminist journalists whom they threatened to take to court for libel .
28 A TECHNICAL failure on the space shuttle Atlantis has given anti-nuclear activists time to return to court for a second attempt to prevent the space craft 's launch , which they believe risks raining radioactive material over Florida .
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