Example sentences of "[verb] the [adj] round " in BNC.

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1 The Maronite Christian parties boycotted the third round , as they had the previous two rounds .
2 His 68 equalled the best round over the course — a similar effort by Kerry 's Eoghan O'Connell last year .
3 We therefore called on the Government to suspend the 14th Round pending the results of a Strategic Environmental Assessment of all aspects of the search for oil and gas around the coastline of Wales , but to no avail .
4 In a city where public executions , duels , fights , magical feuds and strange events regularly punctuated the daily round the inhabitants had brought the profession of interested bystander to a peak of perfection .
5 As we chattered , other villagers crowded around and asked the usual round of Indian questions : where were we from ?
6 Who else but Daly could be humble enough to offer to withdraw from the 1993 US Ryder Cup team if his team-mates do n't want him , and get fined for fast play , officials deciding he was in contempt by completing the second round of the TPD Championship in just over two hours .
7 A strong challenge anticipated from the fiercely nationalist and right-wing Serbian Renaissance Movement ( SP0 ) failed to materialize : SPO leader Vuk Draskovic took only 20 per cent of the vote to come second in the presidential election , while his party took only 19 seats in the Assembly ( after winning 13 seats in the first round it fought the second round in coalition with other opposition parties ) .
8 Jesus wins the first round in the battle against evil ( Mark 1 : 21–28 ) .
9 On the other hand , if Clubs are played before Spades , East wins the third round and can play a high trump , removing the last trump from dummy .
10 Anyone seeing the second round of Ingle and Choi must have wondered how anyone could have decided that the Korean had won that round 5-2 .
11 When the result was officially declared at a general committee meeting of the Birkenhead party last night , Mr Field had already won the first round of the ballot in the individual members section with 159 votes against his two challengers , Mr Paul Davies , a local Transport and General Workers ' union official , who secured 75 votes and Militant supporter , Ms Kathy Wilson , with 48 votes .
12 The Navy can be said to have won the first round of the long-running carrier battle , which was to bedevil Naval-Air relations for the next decade .
13 The Navy had won the first round of the carrier battle : Sandys now conceded the RAF 's case for developing the TSR 2 around a new airframe instead of forcing the naval NA 39 upon them .
14 James had won the first round , though , suffering agonies of seasickness , he was in no mood to celebrate , while Admiral de Forbin , in an excess of caution , stood so far out to sea that they overshot their intended destination , Leith in the Firth of Forth , and instead made their landfall 60 miles [ 96 km ] north of Aberdeen and 150 [ 240 km ] from the real objective .
15 The Rona sheep had won the first round .
16 On their way to Estoril in the private jet Kate was forced to admit to herself that he had won the first round .
17 But Morland having won the first round is confident of surviving …
18 On Feb. 18 the North suspended the fourth round of Premiers ' talks which had been scheduled for Feb. 25-28 , but agreement was reached the same month on joint sports teams [ see p. 38010 ; see also pp. 38341 ; 38437 ; 38529 ; 38576 ] .
19 If he fails to gain an outright majority the Marxist former mayor of Lima , Alfonso Barrantes , might win the second round .
20 On June 11 Zaki described the first round of talks as " constructive " and denied that Pakistan was seeking to reverse the administration 's decision to suspend aid .
21 The good news here is that because the suppliers have to sell large numbers of a low-cost product to recover development costs and so fund the next round of products — despite what Atex claim when they make their conference pitches — these companies have a distinct interest in making the products better , cheaper and faster .
22 He drives 12 miles to work and then has the usual round of home visits .
23 There 's no pot of gold for the big moto cross race of the weekend though … the Thamesdown club are staging the British round of the 250 cc World Championship at Foxhill Park at Wanborough …
24 Few , however , expect that the development effort will survive the next round of cuts .
25 However , the Vauxhall Sport result , where he was only beaten by the official team Subarus of Richard Burns and Alister McRae and finished ahead of the new Ford Escort Cosworths of Gwyndaf Evans , has provided sufficient encouragement for him to tackle the next round of the Open series , the Pirelli International on April 17/18 .
26 On Aug. 22 it emerged that Shaikh Bachir Fekih , a member of the FIS , had attended the final round of negotiations in a personal capacity amidst reports of assurances by the Prime Minister , Sid Ahmed Ghozali , that the state of siege in force in the country since June 5 [ see p. 38312 ] would be lifted by Oct. 5 .
27 Sensibly the 18-year-old Glengormley rider has taken it all in his youthful stride and will contest the final round in Italy .
28 When does the right hon. Gentleman expect the next tranche of type 23 orders , to which he did not refer in his statement , to be in the pipeline and when can we expect the next round of tendering to start for those ?
29 The actions taken by both leaders and followers have , at each turn of the wheel of fortune , helped to create the next round of change .
30 It came at the end of a pretty miserable week for the Seasiders after their failure to reach the first round of the Cup Winners ' Cup in Cyprus .
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