Example sentences of "[noun] feel the need " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes Ellen felt the need for some understanding older woman in whom to confide .
2 But even if Lenin was correct in his analysis of the capitalist-imperialist roots of the First World War , by the 1950s and 1960s the capitalist global system and the Third World had both changed so much that many Marxists felt the need to generate new theories to explain what was happening and to show the way forward from a political point of view .
3 It seems clear that writers for the Review felt the need to bring , in Marie St Glare Byrne 's words , " something real into the nightmare world where " stylistic " evidence flourishes " .
4 Who would have thought that even at the beginning of this century the poet felt the need for time to stand still .
5 It is unfortunate that the team headed by Olive Tunstall feel the need to launch into a personal attack on Heim , however , saying that ‘ we consider that Heim acted in such a way as to reduce the credibility of the profession ’ .
6 An experienced central defender remains one of Kenny Dalglish 's priorities , and Walker would fit the bill more than adequately if the Rovers boss felt the need to reinforce his side 's challenge for Championship honours .
7 Maggie felt the need to say something and , in any case , the words were almost torn from her .
8 This is one of the reasons why governments feel the need for nuclear weapons .
9 There are many reasons why governments feel the need to spend so much on weapons and military equipment .
10 Though close throughout their lives , Gwen felt the need to personally distance herself from her brother by moving , early on , to Paris .
11 Bertie felt the need to say something else .
12 After a few years of management experience gained in clay-making departments and a brief spell as a studio artist with Johnson Matthey , Roy felt the need for further managerial training .
13 The ‘ pressure ’ in these cases was both internal , with individuals feeling the need to conform to what had become the ‘ norm ’ in their social group , and also external , with individuals being urged to conform and , given the nature of heroin use , subsequently excluded from the group if they did not .
14 Robson was , in one sense , simply echoing the words of Maitland that ‘ if you take up a modern volume of the reports of the Queen 's Bench division , you will find that about half the cases reported have to do with rules of administrative law ’ and that you must ‘ not neglect their existence in your general description of what English law is ’ otherwise ‘ you will frame a false and antiquated notion of our constitution ’ The fact that Robson felt the need to propound this view so strongly , and that Maitland 's thoughts seemed to have been almost entirely neglected , serve to indicate that conservative normativism had by the 1920s become established as the dominant tradition .
15 Some members of the largely Christian audience were disappointed to find no-one advocating a reduction of Britain 's nuclear deterrent — although Mr. Jenks felt the need of four Trident boats as exaggerated , and Mr. Barron said the number of warheads should be limited .
16 Did Neil Kinnock feel the need for ‘ Ra-Rah 's Dancing Girls ’ to jazz up his walkabouts .
17 So which members of the Cabinet feel the need for his curative foot massage ?
18 Also many frail but not necessarily disabled elderly people feel the need to steady themselves by touching various pieces of furniture with one hand as they move around their homes , and for them , carrying a telephone and manoeuvring the flex from one room to another may have its hazards .
19 Why otherwise would the right hon. Member for Chesterfield feel the need to table such a motion and why would 24 other Members sign it , if they had real confidence in what they were being told by the Opposition Front-Bench spokesmen and agreed with them ?
20 Jack felt the need to treat these outbursts by Warnie with firmness as well as with gentleness , not least because his brother was giving voice to feelings which he shared quite passionately himself .
21 For all these roles many wives felt the need for more training and knowledge .
22 Criteria I 've su criteria I 've suggested narrows the geography pretty precisely but if you felt the need , the local authorities felt the need , for even further protection it does seem to me from my own experience of the Nottinghamshire precedent it is possible if if you felt so inclined and the county was to agree you could narrow it even further by naming one or two erm local authorities such a site erm should be discovered .
23 Several states felt the need for a supply of men with a knowledge of Turkish to ease the conduct of diplomatic , and still more commercial and consular , relations with the Ottoman empire .
24 The company has reached a stage where the Chairman feels the need for better information and has ideas about how to proceed but would like the involvement of independent academic advice .
25 flat on a mattress feels the need of a pea —
26 Scholars feel the need to show they have used the latest technology , even if electronic methods are not the appropriate one .
27 It has been thrown away in the haste of cobbling together a package of ‘ tough new laws ’ whenever the Government felt the need for legislative machismo .
28 There were demands for higher wages , for social reform and for wider access to higher education , yet in 1966 the government felt the need to cut back on spending programmes as the economy moved into a minor recession .
29 The real crux of the matter was finding out why her daughter felt the need to take drugs .
30 Lydia felt the need to remove herself , as people who stay in hotels get out of the way when the poor chambermaids come to make the beds .
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