Example sentences of "[noun] who 's just " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 've heard of Marius Steen , bloke who 's just died ? ’
2 Their assumption that ‘ he knows what he has done wrong ’ is based on the fact that Rover is slinking along the floor with its head and tail down looking for all the world like a naughty school boy who 's just broken the headmaster 's window .
3 He did n't know the correct etiquette for replying to a lady who 's just told you her recently-murdered husband was impotent .
4 So it , then I had erm , I brought up my husband 's sister 's daughter from when she was fourteen , I brought her oh , yes fourteen , I brought her up for nine years and br brought her up as my own daughter like because she got , got to be put away in a home and I did n't want her to have to go into a home so I , I brought her up you know we brought her up and sort of as , I lost my little girl she was with me like , see and she still comes to me like , she still calls but she calls me mum , mother like now , ha , you know all those years I had her , she 's married and her family 's grown up now and er she 's got one daughter left , left at home who 's just got engaged that 's Mrs from er she lives , yes so , so that was my hubby 's er sister 's daughter she only had the one daughter and two brothers , but she , the brothers she do n't hear nothing of them they just , you know they were gon na put her in a home , but we took her so she did n't have to go in a home , I did n't want her to have to go in a home
5 Arms and fists raised like a footballer who 's just scored a goal , Austin Currie took his kudos , from the audience of 500 in the packed conference hall of the Slieve Donard Hotel .
6 Oh who 's that geezer who 's just started who used to paint , can' think of the pop artist , Andy
7 ‘ But not to a midget who 's just eaten my lunch and whom I 've subsequently insulted , who then turns out to be one of the world 's top dress designers .
8 about the Olympic champion , he 'll be in Rome , he 'll be ready for the World Championships , I think he 's had an easy summer so far , but we 've got the likes of Sergio Lopez who 's just taken my European record away , there 's two Americans ; Kirl Stattel and Mike Barryman who 've just gone under the old World Record , so there 's perhaps a dozen of us that are really shouting and trying to get up to number one position .
9 I do , according to my best friend who 's just had a baby .
10 We make do with the dole and Ellie 's going in with a friend who 's just started a café which 'll help with the food .
11 ‘ We 've captured a very gay hairdresser who 's just wet his pants . ’
12 Now before Neil starts panicking and worrying about that , bear in mind that that is spread over the whole spectrum of operations , including things like heart transplants and the like , and also , for example , an elderly person who 's just been smashed up by er Astra G T E
13 Most faces have turned to watch the ā gri who 's just come out of the shrine and is standing in the doorway .
14 Like a woman who 's just been well and truly kissed .
15 That 's the motto of an 82-year-old North Yorkshire woman who 's just been accepted into the Writers Guild .
16 ‘ Oh God , every day it seems I 'm speaking to a mate who 's just been robbed , ’ said Woody , sometime Cross Key 's barman , in his thick Lancashire accent .
17 When Gilda heard what happened , she said , ‘ A man who 's just staggered out of a nasty relationship wants a bloody nursemaid at first , and then he wants to play the field for a bit .
18 ‘ A neurotic , ’ he said , ‘ is a man who 's just worked out what 's going on . ’
19 says the man who 's just arrived ;
20 You do n't look like a man who 's just escaped from a fire . ’
21 The man who 's just won an election usually thinks things have gone from to better and the man who 's lost it thinks they have gone from bad to worse .
22 He 's like a dictator who 's just come to power and does all the awful violent things at once , like changing the laws and murdering people and confiscating everything — then later on it 'll all be taken for granted and he can play at being kind and good . ’
23 You look like a kid who 's just discovered Father Christmas does n't exist . ’
24 A glider pilot who 's just won the right to work as an instructor , teaching others the beauty of unpowered flying .
25 As a PC depreciates faster than a catwalk model who 's just turned 30 , here are my tips for those of you who do n't want to lose your shirts :
26 A doctor who 's just returned from helping victims of the civil war in Somalia has been describing how the surgeon next to him was shot in the operating theatre as they were trying to save a patient 's life .
27 I feel like a prisoner who 's just got parole .
28 He looks like a night-shift worker who 's just woken up .
29 An Oxford aid worker who 's just come back from the Croatian capital Zagreb , says the situation there is getting out of hand .
30 Like a three-year-old who 's just learned to write his own name , Marky Mark repeats his dozens of times .
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