Example sentences of "[noun] she 'd been " in BNC.

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1 Everyone stopped where they were and stared as she pointed dramatically at a dark green house plant which stood on some kind of plinth behind the seat she 'd been allocated .
2 ‘ Yup , ’ she 'd said , shifting down to fourth as a car she 'd been waiting to pass pulled back into the slow lane .
3 If they 'd caught her , they 'd have stuck her in Imbrium or somewhere , some institution She 'd been in places like that before That was like death to her There must have been a lot of them caught like that , at the end ,
4 Bernice quickly unrolled the bundle she 'd been carrying beneath her arm and thrust Ace 's blood-soaked jacket into the Doctor 's hands .
5 Rain said : ‘ If Sabine Jourdain planned to reveal how much of Durance 's work she 'd been doing for him , a lot of people would have preferred she did n't . ’
6 The kind of betrayal she 'd been believing him guilty of was mean , petty-minded , and he was none of those things .
7 It would be so easy to give up the battle she 'd been waging against him , simply to lay down her arms and give herself up to the ecstasy of possession .
8 In her days as a schoolteacher she 'd been known for the quickness of her wit and her clarity of thought .
9 No wonder she 'd been desperate to have contact with the Foundling Hospital .
10 He 'd blame it all on the beer and the sherry , he 'd say with a laugh she 'd been right to tell him not to take any .
11 She 'd thrown herself at him , and then when she 'd panicked he 'd dropped her like a hot potato … what a fool she 'd been !
12 Following the directions she 'd been given , Shannon came to the theatre stage door a few minutes later .
13 Following the directions she 'd been sent , Luce reached Calle Nerone in about fifteen minutes .
14 On the few occasions she 'd spent holidays at home she 'd been a social outcast among her contemporaries .
15 She was unlike the girl she 'd been or the women he 'd known since ; she had a rare energy , and it was good to be near .
16 He had left suddenly while Rachel had been on leave and on her return she 'd been told that another officer had been appointed but she 'd had no time to find out anything about him .
17 She was still in love with the man , and the knowledge threatened to crumble the defences she 'd been steadfastly attempting to rebuild all day .
18 Ace asked in a tone that betrayed the worry she 'd been trying to hide .
19 Of course she 'd been wrong not to telephone Mrs Trotter .
20 Picking up the internal telephone , she buzzed Stephanie , abruptly coming to a decision she 'd been wrestling with for a couple of days , one she considered to be eminently sensible and practical …
21 He was right ; he was better than the other skier she 'd been so impressed by .
22 Pulling a little face , she carefully folded the tea-towel she 'd been using and laid it on the work surface .
23 He 'd thought she was something special from the moment she 'd been brought in .
24 The moment she 'd been waiting for .
25 For a moment she 'd been on the verge of telling Penny why she was in such a hurry , but the moment passed , and she was glad she had n't given in to the impulse .
26 For a moment she 'd been tempted to tell him what Celia had said .
27 The same Rory she 'd been talking to just before he and his wife Harriet died .
28 Weeks she 'd been badly , and he would n't hear of spending a penny on a doctor .
29 Heaven knew she 'd been the subject of enough prurient curiosity in the few short weeks she 'd been running the club .
30 Any conference she 'd been to , everyone wound up in her room long after midnight , playing poker and spouting Bacardi bullshit , wine-bottle wisdom .
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