Example sentences of "[noun] at least the " in BNC.

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1 are greatest and where the greatest problem there are or , or , er exist under normal circumstances to which the trunk roads , the A roads , the primary roads , the principle roads , these roads are where the traffic is greatest and this therefore constitutes in my mind at least the most important roads , I think your correct term , we will er consider the phraseology used in perhaps more accurately to described the , the , the title road which we are talking about here , but I certainly take the point you make .
2 The Council is hoping it 's code of conduct will lead to a more harmonious relationship with buskers , but with one street musician at least the code is definitely way out of tune .
3 That suspicion of the referendum or plebiscite which we noted was partly based on the fact that it is a device which had been used by some dictators and despots to give their rule at least the semblance of a basis in popular consent .
4 Although they first became noticeable around the major conurbations — for example , in the Home Counties , in Cheshire and in parts of Warwickshire — in lowland England at least the commuting networks have virtually joined up .
5 On my machine at least the re-programming does n't work for shifted keys and what you actually get is the 2 key producing the S. I have fiddled around with different forms of getting ANSI.SYS to do it but so far I have failed .
6 Some reports suggested a death toll as high as 150-200 in Mali and perhaps twice that number in Niger , in what was increasingly described as a separatist rebellion , although other reports suggested that in Mali at least the objective of anti-government elements was not independence for the north-east but the overthrow of the government in Bamako .
7 Since the infra-red reflectance is strongly linked to the presence of water it was thought possible that unfiltered readings might not show the same decline — since to the eye at least the area does not decline until the onset of withering , which occurs only at a much later stage .
8 It was n't all that much help , anyway , as far as tracing the kidnappers was concerned , but it did mean that on that point at least the Nilsen girl was telling the truth .
9 Whereas in the Ruhr Coal Basin i.e. at the southern margin of the N.W. German Basin , this first coalification was the only one ( in places at least the predominant one ) because , there , the coal reached its deepest level of subsidence and its highest rock temperature before the Asturian folding ( which occurred at the boundary between Westphalian D and Stephanian ) , this late Variscan folding combined with an uplift of the Carboniferous , was much less intense further to the north .
10 For the next couple of years at least the shares will be supported only by assets , which despite the fall in values are still worth 25 p.c. more than the share price .
11 Nevertheless , in the UK at least the value of education and business working together in partnership still needs assertion and justification .
12 And on one occasion at least the deputies themselves had to pronounce on a crucial compromise resolution whose text had not even been distributed .
13 On this occasion at least the KGB were more efficient than the CIA .
14 But in the present case it was time to take a stand , to declare once and for all that on this occasion at least the truth was as obvious and evident as it appeared to be .
15 This interpretation of relationships between party bureaucrats and political representatives was later modified by Milovan Djilas , a senior member of the Yugoslavian political leadership after the Second World War who observed that in Yugoslavia at least the party leaders had ceased to be revolutionaries and politicians but had turned into bureaucrats themselves .
16 The ruler of the Habsburg territories was also Holy Roman Emperor , in theory at least the suzerain of hundreds of German states and rulers .
17 It it it seems to me sir that that erm the the the that some of the inner routes at least the the red route performs better on on operating cost savings than the blue route .
18 Oh the whoever the whoever the farmer At least the it used the What would I say ?
19 For one thing at least the Scots enjoyed a generally high reputation : they were hardy and courageous fighters .
20 I 'm guessing , as I write , that in the south and east at least the summer will be as hot and dry as in the last few years , and that once again , people will have trouble getting runner beans to set .
21 In the major markets at least the peripatetic representative , who covered continents and carried his or her own weight in books , has been replaced by the well-staffed local office .
22 As for the merits of the original illustrations as works of art , to my own taste at least the first impressions were of a certain period quality — with Wade 's occasional curvaceous nudes and sports car profiles intruded into the abstract geometries bringing memories of Victor Vasarely 's more lamentable lapses into commercial vulgarity , In the end , however , Wade 's sheer enthusiasm and invention persuaded me into a renewed fascination .
23 Although there is no necessary logical inconsistency between generality and complexity , in the British case at least the results of macroeconomic policies have not been impressive .
24 In one case at least the costs have already been taxed .
25 It is worth considering that in part at least the malaise of modern society is the result of ill-considered and reckless policies of demolition and redevelopment .
26 The nature of those policies with their emphases on private sector developments , home ownership and small businesses , suggests that in part at least the Government is seeking to produce electoral change by introducing traditional Conservative supporters to areas where the party has been very weak — as , for example , in many of the residential developments in London 's Docklands .
27 Hence in part at least the lack of interest in Beveridge 's plans for full employment , which were published at the end of 1944 .
28 He pointed out that even in the original form which it took when Cocks v. Thanet District Council was decided , section 69(1) conferred a measure of discretion on the local authority since in principle at least the local authority could choose between the three methods of discharging its duty which were set out in paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) .
29 For a time at least the Bank as monopoly supplier can charge any rate it chooses .
30 Although it is arguable that the seeds of dissensus had already taken root in the surrounding world of penal thought , dividing those who advocated a welfare philosophy from those more inclined to place confidence in penalties and the traditional legal apparatus , in the Home Office at least the consensus still held .
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