Example sentences of "[noun] at [art] expense " in BNC.

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1 Since this explanation does not actually require subjects to feel risk it would predict that subjects in this task would describe risks at the expense of other information , thus if many risky aspects of the film were described few non-risky ones would be .
2 The closeness of these links is obviously a matter of degree , since there will always be some connection between the various aspects of a theory ; but a concern with the general problem of holism will inevitably constrain us to see a theory in a particular perspective , and to focus sharply on certain characteristics at the expense of others .
3 Rhetoric was a thing he would gladly have murdered ; and he had already carried out his theory of honest thinking at the expense of considerable financial and perhaps emotional sacrifices .
4 Even a relatively liberal and progressive administrator like Saint-Germain was extremely unwilling to grant commissions to parvenus at the expense of poor but military-minded nobles .
5 Why is there a shortage of money for our teams and travelling coaches , or is it simply that the LTA 's overpaid employees are anxious to preserve their lifestyles at the expense of British tennis ?
6 The show of dissent did n't do Foster 's England chances any harm as 72 hours later he was told of his recall by Essex skipper Graham Gouch at the expense of Lancashire 's Phil de Freitas .
7 The extent of the risk to human health posed by the migration of dioxins into food is a controversial one , and it questions once again the extravagance of modern packaging methods at the expense of the environment and health .
8 It was the duty of the ruling sultan , at least in principle , to extend so far as he could the area controlled by true believers at the expense of that ruled by Christian infidels .
9 Like a fattened bullock , the castrated crab diverts energy and resources away from reproduction and into its own body — rich pickings for the parasite at the expense of the crab 's reproduction .
10 Many observers have noted how administration in new states consumed the bulk of revenue at the expense of investment and development ( Dumont 1966 ; First 1970 ; Bretton 1973 ; Amin 1973 ) .
11 Having shown , as he believed , that monarchies and aristocracies would inevitably pursue their own good at the expense of the general good , Mill is compelled to recognize that only the community as a whole can be trusted to pursue the general good .
12 The clove monopoly , dependent on US$375,000,000 in government soft loans , had benefited a consortium of traders at the expense of farmers , consumers and the central bank before collapsing in near bankruptcy .
13 Such an effect along with the antinatriuretic effect of hyperinsulinaemia expands the extracellular compartment at the expense of intracellular dehydration .
14 If one partner opts out of the physical caring , decision-making and adolescent crises at the expense of the other , a load of resentment and dissatisfaction soon builds up .
15 The seventeenth century witnessed a tremendous expansion of the lord 's demesne at the expense of some of the tenants ' arable and possibly at the loss of their commons as well .
16 The church throughout its history has been too preoccupied with building Christian civilisation at the expense of ‘ realising ’ the kingdom .
17 In practice , binary oppositions are very liable to favour one term at the expense of the other , and there can be no doubt that Bakhtin preferred the dialogic to the monologic ( a bias that is evident in everyday English , where to engage in dialogue is good , and to utter a monologue is rather bad ) .
18 The Vth Republic is the embodiment of the second of two choices which French constitutions have made : on the one hand , an emphasis upon government accountable to France 's traditionally very fragmented and non-consensual society , at the expense of ‘ order and future goals ’ ; and on the other , an emphasis on order and future goals at the expense of parliamentary representation and accountability .
19 Each of us has to make choices , to pursue some goals at the expense of others , and some of these choices are painful .
20 In the time-honoured fashion of Scots journalism , he indulges in the deification of Scottish supporters at the expense of their English counterparts .
21 Doctors ' desires to advance specialisms that they find intellectually exciting , university lecturers pursuing research at the expense of their teaching commitments , engineers wishing to develop technologically advanced products such as Concorde , are just a few examples of the kind of professional aspirations that lead to the misallocation of resources from the clients ' or taxpayers ' point of view .
22 Government officials in Dublin warned that they will make an official complaint to the European Commission if they find proof of claims that Britain used the lure of £400 million worth of lucrative defence contracts to persuade Digital to retain Ayr at the expense of Galway .
23 Even now , Mary improves her mind at the expense of my doctor 's body . ’
24 Instead , he treated the Duma with contempt , refused to throw his weight behind Stolypin 's wide-ranging programme of legal and local government reforms , and jealously guarded his personal prerogatives at the expense of coherent cabinet government .
25 And today , it is our systems 's greed which continues to profit from neocolonial financial and trading relationships at the expense of any hope for sustainable African development .
26 The Smiths are acknowledged as writing with sensitivity , depth and intelligence and the suggestion that they are cashing in on a tragedy at the expense of causing grief to the relatives of its victims is absolutely untrue .
27 Edward elicited these favours despite remarkable effrontery towards papal jurisdiction and patronage : in pursuit of royal rights of patronage at the expense of papal claims and expectations , Edward II was even more blatant than Edward I had been , and in 1309 and 1317 papal grievances went unregarded and unanswered .
28 The language and procedures for dealing with that alienation encompass conflict and confrontation at the expense of planned purposeful strategies .
29 There is therefore a clear place for an EC policy to oversee State aids , and so to ensure that they do not unjustifiably favour one member 's industry at the expense of another 's , and thereby mitigate the intentions of EC competition policy .
30 However , there is always a danger that in taking such measures a State may , intentionally or unintentionally , give undue assistance , and so promote its own industry at the expense of that of its trading partners .
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