Example sentences of "[noun] at [art] heart " in BNC.

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1 Between them , these statements identify three characteristics at the heart of educational research .
2 19:2 stands at the heart of the moral law for Jew and Christian alike ( see 1 Peter 1:15–16 ) .
3 At a time when copper coinage had already been in use for some centuries at the heart of the Han empire , wealthy leaders of the tien community in the southern province of Yunnan were storing hundreds of thousands of cowries in the great bronze drums which were a prominent feature of the Dong-Son culture focussed on northern Indo-China .
4 He is perhaps most Spanish in the mystical emotion at the heart of such motets as ‘ Emendemus in melius ’ and ‘ O crux , ave ’ .
5 Munich , the metropolis at the heart of Europe , has always been a meeting place for international experts and decision-makers .
6 Does the Prime Minister accept responsibility for the chaos and confusion at the heart of Governments over the Poll Tax ?
7 The issue points to a more fundamental tension at the heart of professional education , which is that it is concerned not only with knowledge and skills but with norms and attitudes .
8 Waugh is indeed aware of it , and that is the piercing tragedy at the heart of Brideshead .
9 They have discussed the value of the war : Hector 's carefully considered will and judgement have favoured glory over Trojan blood ; and the adultery at the heart of Troy has been reaffirmed .
10 The lack of an industrial policy by this government , reliance on market forces , and short-term investment policies have undermined an industry at the heart of the British economy .
11 Yet both women brought a more intense and child-whorish eroticism to the screen than had been seen before , while retaining a suggestion of innocence at the heart of it .
12 Despite all the things that happen to us , such as religious conversion , dreams , accidents , bereavement , psychological shock — all those things that pull us out of everyday reality — we tend to slip back to a belief that there is a bedrock of common sense and sensibility at the heart of things .
13 One has only to look at the contradictions between the rich north and the starving south ; between capitalist industry 's ceaseless drive for higher productivity and the health of the biosphere ; those contradictions at the heart of the EC ( the ERM , the battles over farming and fishing , etc ) ; and the fierce struggle over world trade in GATT , which will soon break out again .
14 Pat O'Neill is a formidable rock at the heart of the Kilkenny defence and behind this unit Michael Walsh is a magnificent goalkeeper .
15 But the tide runs deeper than that , and it is surely at one with the desire to reassert the place of the human figure at the heart of all forms of creative life .
16 He added : ‘ We have the spectator Prime Minister -not a power at the heart of Europe but a void at the heart of the British Government .
17 ‘ For there is a void at the heart of our public life in Britain , a vacuum left by 13 years of Conservative rule .
18 Food can be cooked , stories exchanged , and time left for gazing silently into the flames , watching the dancing shapes at the heart of the fire .
19 It is doubtful , indeed , whether the difficulties it faced in 1861 and 1862 were as great as they look , and it is highly unlikely that the tsar decided in 1861 to substitute conservatives for reformers at the heart of the imperial administration .
20 WITH the sun at the heart of your horoscope until the 21st and Venus bringing her sweetness to bear on relationships from the 8th , December could be the most crucial month of the year for love and partnership matters — the 19th could be more than just a magical moment .
21 His orders were to apply the methods that had proved so successful in Vienna to mop up the surviving Jewish influence at the heart of the Reich .
22 IBM and a few other US and Japanese companies provide the electronic means for much administrative and bureaucratic work at the heart of government and management around the world .
23 Alan Ingram treks into a Himalayan mountain fastness at the heart of some spectacularly beautiful scenery
24 Quiet , steady and composed , Gavin was an ideal partner for skipper Jim Cannon at the heart of the Palace defence and , if the early '80s were a time when our back four was often under a lot of pressure , Gavin played his part in Palace 's revival at the end of the decade although , in spite of skippering our successful 1988–89 side for a few matches mid-season , he incurred yet another injury and was prevented from playing in all but the final three games .
25 The focus of their criticism is the impoverished model of management at the heart of the Thatcher initiatives .
26 ) Or did it reveal a conservative attitude at the heart of a movie that is dressed up in hippie garb ?
27 The national guilt over the destruction of native American culture is merely a part of the regret at the heart of the genre .
28 The question at the heart of the dispute is who owns a waterway that begins in one state but flows into others .
29 This is likely to include a constitutional ban on the extradition of cocaine traffickers — the issue at the heart of Colombia 's domestic drugs war .
30 The two main issues thought to have been on the agenda for Li 's visit were South Korea 's intention to apply for separate membership of the UN ( North Korea favoured the two Korean states sharing a single UN seat ) , and the growing pressure for the North Korean government to allow international inspection of its nuclear facilities , an issue at the heart of the current normalization talks between North Korea and Japan [ see below ] .
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