Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] workers " in BNC.

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1 At the international level by world revolution which , by breaking the isolation of the workers ' states , will provide an effective antidote to bureaucratization .
2 But the increasing discipline and class consciousness of the workers was reflected in the mounting ascendancy which the Bolsheviks achieved over the Mensheviks , SRs and non-party activists .
3 The variety of guests present , who included Chamorro 's Presidency Minister Antonio Lacayo Oyanguren , Joaquín Villalobos , the leader of the general command of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) in El Salvador , Luís Inácio da Silva ( " Lula " ) , president of the Workers ' Party ( PT ) in Brazil , and Guatemala 's former President Vinicio Cerezo Arévalo , was seen as reflecting different political currents within the FSLN and its desire for increased political respectability .
4 Kochan further argues that the grievances of the workers and peasants supported each other .
5 This was closely linked to the accumulated grievances of the workers , being also largely a product of de Gaulle 's modernization strategy .
6 THE new Lord Mayor of Dublin , Tomas MacGiolla of the Workers ' Party , arrived in Northern Ireland today for his first visit since taking up office .
7 However the workers ties to the countryside remained strong due to the seasonal nature of factory work , the close of factories to the countryside and the legal and family ties of the workers to the peasant commune .
8 In Capital Marx argues that as a result of the peculiar history of capitalism , the capitalist , who is really a parasite on the workers , is represented as though he were the opposite ; as the source of production and the benefactor of the workers .
9 By the end of 1926 , the General Council was advancing the argument , with some justification , that the General Strike had only been an attempt to warn employers that the problems of industry could not constantly be tackled at the expense of the standard of living of the workers .
10 The unions have steadfastly tried to improve the lot of their members , often , it sometimes seems , at the expense of the workers ' own industries .
11 Erm I great exception to that because the savings on his side may be public transport has been at the expense of the workers in public transport and the people who use public transport .
12 If a major feature of the Co-operative Commonwealth was to be the ownership and control by the workforce of the particular enterprise employing them , if , in other words , it was to comprehend authentic industrial democracy , then the abrogation in 1875 of the workers ' rights and privileges of the workers employed in factories producing goods for sale in co-operative retail stores was a misdirection of the Movement .
13 The demands of the workers were more than ever focused upon political change .
14 At the same time he announced that economic austerity measures , including a freeze on public sector promotions , were to be " reconsidered " ; this had also been one of the demands of the workers ' organizations .
15 The " United Front from Below " was to be based primarily on " the immediate demands of the workers " and was to take the form of joint agitation at local level , rather than of organizational unity on a national scale .
16 This meant further discontent on the part of the workers and peasants , which would have meant a greater use of coercion by the state .
17 This militancy on the part of the workers did not spring from nowhere .
18 It demanded interest and commitment on the part of the workers to try and set up respite fostering or other more integrated arrangements as an alternative .
19 The electricity for the factories still depends on imported fuel and the markets are still overseas but the skills of the workers and the quality of the cloth help to keep some of the industry alive .
20 F. The steel industry of Sheffield exists today mainly because of the skills of the workers .
21 Nevertheless , the social system which integrates the activities of the workers and provides the flexibility for relating separate tasks to the needs of the production system as a whole must be considered .
22 Thus a detailed criticism in " The Observer " of the activities of the Workers ' Revolutionary Party was justified , despite proof that some allegations were untrue : the jury found that the inaccuracies could not " materially injure " plaintiffs who had been depicted in an otherwise truthful light .
23 In the event the union leaders were wholly justified , as the result of the ballot showed , in their claim that there were no reasons for doubting that the industrial action was in accordance with the wishes of the workers .
24 In November 1987 , Silviu Brucan compared Ceauşescu 's rule unfavourably with the 1960s when ‘ the Party could successfully control the mass of the workers because … a turn for the better occurred in the standard of living in almost three million peasants who joined the urban industrial workforce . ’
25 The UCD [ Union of the Democratic Centre under the leadership of Adolfo Suárez ] government consented to things which were not totally justified but which were necessary so that the mass of the workers could see that the country had changed and that dialogue was beginning .
26 Representation at board level of the workers is declared , in effect , to be a natural right .
27 Homeworkers , who engaged in a wide variety of trades from matchbox-making to furpulling , did indeed suffer disproportionately from disease , particularly tuberculosis , and regulation was instigated not merely for the protection of the workers but also for the sake of the whole community .
28 Thanks to the enthusiasm of the workers and the widespread emulation movement in the sphere of production , the two year plan for the development of national economy is being successfully fulfilled …
29 They are the very class which hate disorder , which know that disorder injures their business , perhaps ruins their business , yet this class showed an enthusiasm which equalled , if not surpassed , the enthusiasm of the workers in the shipyards .
30 The male working-class vote was , from the start , divided between the existing parties , and when socialist or social democratic parties appeared on the scene they seldom attained the political dominance which the solid support of the workers would have assured for them .
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