Example sentences of "[noun] have [be] concerned " in BNC.

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1 The traditional public finance approach to intergovernmental grants ( or grants-in-aid ) which flow from central ( or federal ) government to local ( or state ) authorities has been concerned with the question of what form the grant should take .
2 The national park has been concerned for some time about the volume of heavy lorries using roads through the park .
3 From the middle ages , Parliament has been concerned with the problems , central to the national economy , of productivity and the control of wages .
4 Of course it is difficult to generalise over time and between parties with respect to the relations between party and Prime Minister , but in the recent past it has become clear that the Labour Party outside Parliament has been concerned to exert a greater measure of effective control over Labour Prime Ministers .
5 The FRPB has been concerned about the water quality of the River Almond ( Class 3/4 ) for some time and in June 1988 a River Almond Model Study Group was set up to monitor the deteriorating river quality .
6 The board has been concerned for some years about the possible impact of excessive dependence on coal — used for 80 per cent of electricity currently generated — if developments in the domestic or international coal market push prices up rapidly .
7 A substantial part of the literature has been concerned with the properties of steady-state or balanced growth .
8 ‘ For some time the bloodstock industry has been concerned about competition from our EC counterparts , and this was threatening 30,000 jobs . ’
9 The chancel belonging to the rector may not be in the same style as the nave maintained by the parishioners , reflecting differences in wealth or involvement Even in those churches where the rector was a monastery , there may be a variety of interest displayed , from great ostentation where the monastery has been concerned to maintain its property , to neglect where the church is on a distant or poor estate , or where the monastery itself was poor .
10 This chapter has been concerned to sketch in the general background to the reign of Mary Queen of Scots , and to clear it of some of the misconceptions about Scottish kingship which have tended to confuse the issues .
11 This chapter has been concerned with the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
12 Rather , what this chapter has been concerned to make clear is that the potential impact of records of achievement , as well as that of the GCSE , can not be determined without making reference to both initiatives .
13 This chapter has been concerned with the central machinery for making and executing the decisions of the Crown .
14 We come finally to a statement which is controversial , and about which much of this chapter has been concerned : ( vii ) Stylistic choice is limited to those aspects of linguistic choice which concern alternative ways of rendering the same subject matter .
15 So far , this chapter has been concerned mainly with the stock of dwellings and the stock of households .
16 Much of this chapter has been concerned with specifically linguistic difficulties of quantifying variables .
17 This chapter has been concerned with outlining the principal methods by which suppliers of products bring their goods and services to the attention of their markets , with the object of increasing their sales or market share , or both .
18 Most of his research has been concerned with conditioning the ‘ eyeblink ’ response in rabbits .
19 All my thoughts , actions and energies for the last four months had been concerned only with Nigel .
20 At Horta Picasso had been concerned with the breakdown of the human figure into its sculptural units and the relationships between them .
21 In general terms , inflation accounting methods have been concerned with ensuring that capital is being maintained in economic terms .
22 Traditionally , governmental audit has been concerned with the financial and regularity audit .
23 The committee has been concerned by the high numbers of planning applications granted by six Welsh councils in defiance of published development plans .
24 But most human electrophysiological work has been concerned with the processing of incoming events , that is the ERP that follows the presentation of a stimulus .
25 A lot of my work has been concerned with this area and as my experience has grown I have learnt to wait until the people involved tell me they want to talk .
26 Most of the comparative work has been concerned with ASL and French Sign Language .
27 Moreover , much of the work has been concerned with the analysis of the spectra and the interpretation of the parameters obtained in terms of theory ; though this is an essential part of understanding of the chemistry of transition metals , it is less directly related to determining the structures of their compounds .
28 However , a paper read at the International Bar Asssociation meeting in the summer by the Spanish lawyer on the Thyssen Foundation 's board , Rodrigo Uria , and Richard Turnor , of the firm of Allen and Overy acting for Baron Thyssen , reveals that the Baron has been concerned to keep his options open : not a single work of art was sent into Spain until it had already been granted its export licence out of Spain .
29 Over the past few months , our morning series of sermons has been concerned with different aspects of prayer .
30 From the beginning , indeed , the CNAA had been concerned with the college as a whole , though there were no specific powers in the Charter to oblige it to do so .
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