Example sentences of "[noun] have [been] trying " in BNC.

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1 Mr Kemp has been trying for several years to prod the White House into launching a serious anti-poverty programme .
2 Brian Clough has been trying for several weeks to recapture the man he sees as a key player in his fight to lift Forest off the bottom of the Premier League .
3 ICI has been trying to develop substitutes for halons 1211 and 1301 , but as yet none of the agents under trial match their performance .
4 This , then is the state of affairs which Rigoberta Menchu has been trying for the past 11 years to bring to the world 's attention — an almost impossible task , given the fact that for most of that time the international press found Nicaragua and El Salvador much more diverting .
5 The Wissenschaftsrat has been trying to sort this one out , but the political factors seem to have prevented progress .
6 Both sides have agreed in principle to a referendum on the future of the territory , and the United Nations has been trying to achieve agreement on its details but , despite concessions by Polisario , little progress has been made .
7 The divisions are certainly latent , but the very manner in which , especially since President Muawad 's assassination , Syria has been trying to enforce the peace plan — with such haste , threats and bluster — tends to blunt rather than sharpen them .
8 The Old Stopfordians ' Association had been trying for many years to raise sufficient money to build the Pavilion , and indeed had sold the Harrison Towns field some three years previously for this very reason .
9 Bella had been trying to push the walking-frame along and carry the tea at the same time .
10 Whoever was driving the car had been trying to kill her , it was as simple as that .
11 Although a number of influential parties had been trying to have New Year 's flay changed from the old style 13th of the month to 1st , the majority of the natives were loath to change and both days were partially observed .
12 With a shortage of money , Mr Eyton-Jones 's department had been trying to ensure there was no serious disruption to buildings , closure or breaches of the law .
13 They also took private papers relating to the large South Ronaldsay family Mr and Mrs T had been trying to help , and a library book written by a social worker on sexual abuse .
14 Pepita had been trying to remember the events that led up to being bitten by the black widow spider .
15 Forestry companies no longer granted tax concessions have been trying to offload their holdings .
16 A committee of three ministers — Roger Freeman ( transport ) , Francis Maude ( Treasury ) and John Redwood ( trade and industry ) — has been working on the railway sell-off ; and the group drafting the Tory election manifesto has been trying to distil the trio 's ideas into an appetising few paragraphs .
17 IBM has been trying to negotiate a deal with the Open Software Foundation to buy outright re-distribution rights to an OSF/1 single server running under Mach 3.0 on PS/2s .
18 On April 1 this year the college became independent of local education authority control , and since then the college 's management has been trying to introduce new employment contracts , as recommended by the College Employers ' Forum .
19 The money from US West will help its balance sheet , which Mr Levin has been trying to clean up .
20 Since taking over from Left-winger David Hunt , former Thatcherite Mr Redwood has been trying to reassure the Welsh that there will be no dramatic change in Welsh Office policy .
21 It is innocent ; cleared of all the expressions that the child has been trying out during the day .
22 He says the county council has been trying to find out for 6 years about the planning of the east-west route because we were very worried about the effect it would have on Oxford and the countryside around Oxford .
23 Since she was rejected last year , the council has been trying to find an alternative service for the island .
24 The council has been trying to sell the half-timbered historic mansion in Royden Park for more than two years and has put a £1m price tag on it .
25 The council has been trying to sell the halftimbered historic mansion in Royden Park for more than two years and has put a £1m price tag on it .
26 The hunting lobby has been trying to improve its public image with a campaign to put the case for its controversial sport .
27 As the storm raged about them , the bier unaccountably broke and the corpse tumbled into a meadow the bailiff had been trying to extort .
28 Was that what Carol had been trying to tell him ?
29 For about four centuries the rulers of England had been trying to conquer and rule France , Scotland , and Ireland , but they had just lost their last foothold in France at Calais , their position in Ireland was as insecure as it had ever been , and the Scottish problem had taken an altogether new turn because Mary the Queen of Scotland could present a good claim to the English throne .
30 Staff at the police photographic department , Ministry of Defence laboratories and IBM have been trying to improve the original blurred images of the youths .
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