Example sentences of "[noun] in proportion to " in BNC.

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1 A total of 161 seats were contested , of which 125 were directly elected and 36 were appointed from lists of so-called " at large " candidates in proportion to total votes in the district elections .
2 Men cared for animals in proportion to their value .
3 Losses would be twice as high if energy producers imposed a carbon tax and kept the revenues for themselves , or if a tax were levied by a world agency which then shared out the revenue in proportion to each region 's population .
4 Patrick rages and scorns in proportion to his frustration : Hamlet 's ‘ weakness ’ has its counterpart here .
5 Instead of the high scoring party forming the whole town council , it will now form half , with the other half split among all parties in proportion to votes .
6 Complete parallelism would exist if every newspaper was linked extremely closely to one or another party … and when , in addition , the number of newspapers in the system was distributed between the parties in proportion to each party 's strength .
7 The party receiving the largest number of votes ( since 1947 the Colorado Party — Partido Colorado ) is allotted two-thirds of the seats in both Houses of Congress , the remaining seats being divided among the minority parties in proportion to their electoral strength .
8 The interest earned is normally paid at the end of the period to the respective parties in proportion to the amount of the retention received by them .
9 Well the proposals that are made in the in the Committees er report for funding erm seem to us acceptable with the exception of the comment we have already made erm i acceptable in the sense that they would be borne by erm all pension funds in proportion to their the size of their assets and in relation to the size of the er compensation has to be paid .
10 David Scott , for example , complained that he got so many requests for Indian patronage from the council of St. Andrews that if the remaining burghs in his district were to seek aid in proportion to the size of their communities it ‘ would require more patronage than the whole East India Direction have in their gift ’ .
11 Power sharing was understandably crucial for SDLP and it proposed that government should be carried out by an Executive with cabinet posts in proportion to party strengths in the Assembly .
12 Selected industries have also been able to secure extra depreciation in proportion to any increase in the share of exports in their total sales .
13 ‘ It is appropriate for spectators to applaud successful strokes in proportion to difficulty but excessive demonstrations by a player or his partisans are not proper because of the possible effect upon other competitors .
14 All governors were to have the right to recommend patients to the infirmary in proportion to their subscriptions .
15 The 1924 National Origins Act reduced the total to 150 000 and re-adjusted the quotas to each nationality in proportion to its numbers in the existing population .
16 Most animals increase their fuel consumption in proportion to the extra baggage they are carrying , but not the camel .
17 It is recognised that the established electoral system does discriminate against third parties securing seats in proportion to votes , but this is defended because of the virtues that are seen as flowing from the fact that the system helps to ensure that just one party has a secure majority in the Commons and is therefore able to form a government without the need for coalition .
18 The commission proposed further legislation , state contributions in proportion to a party 's share of votes , tax relief on membership fees and the publication of party accounts .
19 Allies received attention in proportion to their contribution to the Western alliance .
20 Some of the difference may be accounted for by the greater number of court sites and judicial officials in proportion to population and area in Sri Lanka than in India .
21 In most authorities the parties are represented on the committees in proportion to their distribution on the whole council .
22 If contributory negligence is established , the modern position is that the plaintiff will have his damages reduced by the court in proportion to his fault .
23 The draught oxen breeds already had the advantage of size but it was weight that counted and in particular the volume of meat in proportion to bone .
24 The Council of 500 was drawn from the demes in proportion to their population ( see p. 112 ) and it is now known ( for instance ) that in the time of Kleisthenes no more than one-quarter of known Athenians can be attributed to city demes .
25 The main bridge between the two was the Council of 500 members , appointed annually from the demes in proportion to their population — so for instance Eleusis was allowed to send eleven councillors to the city , and the great deme of Acharnai sent twenty-two , while some tiny demes like Pambotadai and Syhridai took it in turn to send a single councillor , each sending one every other year .
26 External users of our information services should pay for usage in proportion to the additional costs incurred in making the resources available to them , if judged appropriate .
27 We have found that within those families , the genera that eat fruit have larger brains in proportion to their body size than those that eat leaves .
28 But a compromise has just been worked out between the governor , the tribes and Bruce Babbitt , the ex-governor of Arizona who is now interior secretary , under which casino gambling would be restricted to the reservations , and the tribes would be given slot machines in proportion to their population .
29 The policies of the Fabians were described by Beatrice Webb during the 1890s as ‘ essentially collective ownership wherever practicable ; collective regulation everywhere else ; collective provision according to need for all the impotent and sufferers ; and collective taxation in proportion to wealth ’ .
30 The capital element of future rentals is treated as a liability and the interest element is charged to profit and loss account over the period of the leases in proportion to the balances outstanding .
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