Example sentences of "[noun] and stared [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He screwed up his eyes and stared into the middle distance .
2 I raised my eyes and stared at that mad , bad face , the fleshy nose , the neatly trimmed gold beard and moustache .
3 Harvey screwed up his eyes and stared at her .
4 Ronni opened her eyes and stared at the moon , feeling her poor heart quiver inside her .
5 As the porters wheeled the trolley away , the girl opened her eyes and stared at Juliet with pure hatred .
6 Ruth blinked open her eyes and stared at him .
7 He narrowed his eyes and stared at the distant wall of the Tower .
8 He lit a Woodbine , took a deep drag and stared about him .
9 Oliver stood , finger in mouth and stared at her .
10 Aaron sat on the roof and stared at the sky .
11 She sat in her study and stared at the telephone .
12 Patrick took his sister 's hand and led her further down the garden , out of sight of the house , and then he squatted in the snow and stared into her deep , dark eyes .
13 The row about Catholicism got her out of the house and carried her through two euphoric days , during which she thought about the Trinity , existed on lollipops and stared at the Celebration of the Mass from the back of Westminster Cathedral .
14 Wandering out again like an unhappy ghost , she went into her workroom , turned on the light and stared at the bench .
15 The secret that lay between them , those minutes when he had held her shaking body against the tree trunk and stared into her eyes , compelling obedience , had bound them with a cord so strong that it could n't be frayed , either by the enormity of their shared guilty secret , or by the small rubs of living together .
16 She came to his side and stared along the alley at the two men who were standing unwarily outlined in the light of a held lantern .
17 ’ Emmie hugged her small , hardy knees and stared into the blackness .
18 He held the rock and stared at it .
19 Bodie watched the hand , then quietly sighed , sat back against the side of the ambulance and stared at his friend .
20 The friar sat down on the sanctuary steps and stared into his fat , cheery face .
21 She pursed her lips and stared at him with her grey eyes .
22 The nurse made a funny sucking noise with her lips and stared at Meg .
23 But it still came as a surprise when she angrily pushed away the unfinished lasagne and stared at him directly .
24 She tucked her hands under her armpits and stared at the ground .
25 Another woman stood on one leg by the window and stared at her .
26 Rebecque went to the open window and stared into the heat haze .
27 Spicer got to his feet and stared at us .
28 Maggie shot to her feet and stared at him in astonishment , and at that moment Felipe de Santis walked past the room , his dark eyes taking everything at one swift glance — Mitch obviously just leaving , Maggie 's suddenly flushed face and wide eyes and the slightly rumpled bed where she had rested to talk to Mitch .
29 Corbett struggled to his feet and stared around the hall where the rest of the sleepers there were slowly rising to their feet , some nursing sore heads , others bawling for wine and food .
30 After his conversation with the Zoo Curator Mr Wolski had gone down to the eagles and stared into Minch 's empty cage .
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