Example sentences of "[noun] and stood [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The little hard evidence we have of Sybil at this time points to a tough and cheerful woman who had made her deal and stood by it .
2 Philip ran to the edge of the feeding-ground and stood on the log .
3 The shapechanger walked over to Bernice and stood in front of her .
4 And , as he finished pouring their brandies , she walked ahead of him through the open doorway and stood for a moment before the huge window , listening to the music , gazing out to sea , aware of a sense of peace and deep contentment .
5 Stren Withel hesitated hallway to the door as several very large trolls ducked under the doorway and stood on either side of the fat man , blinking in the light .
6 I went across the clattering , windy linkage space between the dining and dome cars and stood outside the toilet room .
7 With the awful feeling in her bones that she really had blown it , Fabia got out of the car and stood with him on the pavement .
8 As the first grey slivers of dawn were filtering down through the trees , Roger Forester climbed stiffly from his hire car and stood on the track beside it , stretching his sore limbs and trying to beat some warmth into himself .
9 Geoffrey got out of the car and stood in front of Michael , willing him to calm down .
10 I went into the dome car and stood behind the bar with the bartender , and felt furious with Sheridan , not for his outrageous behaviour but because he was getting me noticed .
11 We walked out for the victory ceremony and stood behind the plinth .
12 He rasped out the words and stood with his hands on his hips to glare down at her .
13 She handed it to Donna and stood by her as she flipped through it , running her finger down the columns of words until she found what she sought .
14 Henry lowered the pamphlet and stood in what he hoped was a coquettish manner .
15 He swung off the horse and stood in front of her , tired and dirty from travelling and all she heard was a sound like the crashing of waves on pebbles and she put her hands over her ears and swayed in pain at the roadside .
16 He climbed out of Armstrong on my side and stood over me until I pushed down my window .
17 As they approached , Schellenberg pulled Devlin to one side and stood at attention .
18 That fact that it was over was all there in his formal goodbye when he came round to the passenger 's side and stood on the pavement with her , and , ‘ Na shledanou , Fabia , ’ he wished her .
19 The lawyer walked across the courtroom and stood in front of the jury .
20 He drew breath hard , and stepped out from his shallow niche and stood in the centre of the walk .
21 Hundreds of eyes stared fixedly as the laird stepped out onto the gravel and stood for a moment with his chin jutting and his mouth pulled down , like a general reviewing his troops .
22 Sensing that the old woman was about to rise from the bench , the cat jumped from her lap and stood by her side .
23 Marius smashed the Italian in the face with his gloved fist and stood on his chest .
24 Ann walked out of the village and stood on St Saviour 's Point .
25 Suddenly , a girl aged about 16 walked up from one of the scattered houses in the village and stood in the same spot he intended to use for his photography .
26 They came on to the golden sand and stood in silence , winds of light moving over them plainly , despite the brightness of the evening sunshine .
27 As the horses were pulled to a halt , he jumped out of the coach and stood in front of the band of men who were trudging up the hill .
28 I attended the medical centre for my test and stood in my underpants for an hour in a shiny-clean waiting room with yellow walls and a kitten sitting in the corner .
29 She shut the window and stood for a moment , her hands still on the bottom bar of the sash , arrested by a sudden thought .
30 Suddenly , he threw a hand across his eyes for an instant , and , turning , strode to the window and stood with his back to the room , his shoulders rigid .
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