Example sentences of "[noun] and create a " in BNC.

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1 Although Wesker expresses the utmost admiration for Shakespeare , he was determined to write an original work which would change people 's perception and create a new Shylock .
2 The hot summer days did n't deter this reader from digging his own pond and creating a haven in his town garden
3 Social workers and SSDs walk a tightrope between maintaining the spirit of partnership and creating a new , relatively unaccountable means of taking children away .
4 UniData is based on the next-generation nested relational data model , which is claimed to solve many of the problems of conventional relational databases and create a bridge to object-oriented databases .
5 The only solution appeared to be to go round existing denominational organizations and to create a new body which would emphasize non-political aims and gather a following based on individuals , not denominations .
6 Graham Gynn , who runs weekend courses at the manor near Zennor , says that birdwatching and listening to waves rhythmically pounding the shore calm the mind and create a harmony with nature .
7 In subsequent races this will be on their mind and create a major obstacle to future success .
8 The lay panel , the rights of parents and children to be accompanied by a friend or supporter , and the complete absence of any professional legal formality generally help to reduce the tension and create a situation for discussion .
9 text in German and English with Hebrew summary , DM48 In 1989 the American architect Daniel Libeskind won the competition to design an extension to the Berlin Museum to house a history of the collection of the Museum 's Jewish Department and create a setting for an account of the history of Berlin 's Jews .
10 You bozos do n't seem to realise it but if we had n't been there at that Florence Conference , would not be in the leading position it currently holds with the commission to guarantee further funds and to create a positive role for Britain in Europe with the commission to wuk look at the issues that are gon na come up in 1993 .
11 He thought that Craig might have lost some votes because people had not forgiven his voluntary coalition heresy but recognized that , had Craig emulated Paisley and created a reputation as an active constituency MP , he would have retained the seat .
12 Thirdly , the directive that care managers should not themselves give direct care runs counter to the core of good social work practice and creates a new corps of care administrators , thereby reducing the number of staff available to give direct care .
13 Unlike his mother , who slept with the curtains drawn , Patrick preferred them open , and the wan dawn light reflected off the snow and created a ghostly , sparkling pattern across the high ceiling .
14 Almost single handedly in the past three years Jones has made high technology and the ‘ sunrise ’ industries household words and created a climate of industrial and community awareness .
15 The aim of the guidelines is to establish quality assurance systems for the industry and to create a sound basis for further improvement in the areas of health , safety and the environment .
16 His plan was based on the marine lieutenant landing at the Old Quay slipway in the North Harbour and creating a diversion there , while Jones himself landed , undetected it was hoped , on the south foreshore , put the battery there out of action and then , passing round the town , knocked out the North Battery , before joining up with the other party to burn the shipping in both harbours .
17 We have spent £110 million enlarging the terminal and creating a spacious new environment to give you a better standard of service .
18 In 1968 the Wilson government 's attempts to reform the House of Lords , taking voting rights away from hereditary peers and creating a nominated group of voting life-peers , fell victim to sabotage from both Left and Right .
19 ‘ He wanted to set out his stall as someone who would balance the books and create a firm financial situation , ’ said Professor Sherer .
20 The task of relieving avoidable distress and creating a caring and heartening environment in residential and nursing homes is going to be of increasing importance in determining the quality of the last year of people 's lives .
21 The meeting adopted a party statute and created a 15-member provisional organizing committee led by Imre Boros , while Dezsoe Futo was elected honourary party chairman .
22 The European Space Agency ( ESA ) was of officially born in May 1975 , following a decision to merge ELDO and ESRO and to create a strong European space policy-making body .
23 We visited the thermal activity at Tikitere ( ’ Hell 's Gate ’ ) and did a day trip to climb Mount Tarawera , a volcano which blew up in 1886 , burying a Maori village and creating a big lake .
24 Escaping to the West , he returned to Hungary in 1990 , when he instigated the restoration of the museum and the creation of the Mihály Zichy Foundation to support it and its library , to promote Zichy 's work and create a park and house of rest for artists .
25 It could be angled to catch the sun and create a dazzle which , on a sunny day , made the Angel Gabriel a thing too bright to look upon .
26 Five leading guerrilla commanders of the left-wing Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) issued a declaration on Sept. 25 calling for a " democratic revolution " to end a decade of civil war and the " hegemonic political and economic power of the military and the big oligarchic families , to re-establish the nation 's sovereignty and to create a lasting peace " .
27 Answer : Evacuate the pond , install a conservatory and create a new indoor home for your fish .
28 The motivation behind the introduction of trust status is the desire to localise management and to create a greater sense of ownership and pride in the service delivered .
29 One suggested way round this in the United Kingdom is the way of sub-dividing England and creating a federation of Scotland , Wales , Northern Ireland and the English regions with an overall UK authority .
30 The money went into upgrading the two main production lines and creating a ‘ mission control ’ — an area resembling a ship 's bridge — from where the whole process is monitored by computer .
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