Example sentences of "[noun] and carry a " in BNC.

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1 The laibon , dressed in his traditional finery , a cloak of fur on his shoulders and carrying a thin stick , walks across the enclosure , now thick with the strangely blotched cattle , their huge horns gently meshing and unmeshing , to greet Fairfax .
2 She wore the blue suit and the bright shawl and carried a rather shabby grey coat over her arm .
3 She joined a group of young women , each wrapped in a shawl and carrying a short-handled hoe for weeding and a smouldering disc of dried cow-dung to ward off the midges that plague the mornings and evenings of the rainy season .
4 Each chariot is drawn by two fine Elven Steeds and carries a single crewman .
5 One warrior wears helmet with a nasal guard and carries a spear with cross pieces .
6 It 's the toughest charge under the new law and carrys a maximum penalty of 5 years in jail .
7 The most spectacular known to me in Europe were the great rock-falls that occurred from tile sheer face of Ramnefjell ( Raven Mountain ) into Loenfjord in central Norway in 1905 and 1936 , producing waves which wiped out local communities and carried a steamer a considerable distance inland .
8 It 's appeared in several films about the mafia and carried a whole host of corsed actors .
9 Another aggravated offence is assault with intent to resist arrest or to prevent a lawful arrest , contrary to section 38 of the 1861 Act and carrying a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment .
10 Mrs. Bidwell , clad now in a navy-blue working overall and carrying a plastic bucket in one hand and a mop in the other , led the way .
11 Minerva , like Athene , was usually depicted wearing a helmet and armour and carrying a lance and shield .
12 A Halberdier wearing light armour and carrying a shield will therefore cost 7+2+1 = 10 points .
13 EQUIPMENT : The Dragon Princes wear heavy armour and carry a shield , and ride a barded Steed .
14 EQUIPMENT : Black Orcs wear light armour and carry a hand weapon .
15 EQUIPMENT : The Knights Panther wear heavy armour and carry a shield , and ride barded Warhorses .
16 EQUIPMENT : The Reiksguard Knights wear heavy armour and carry a shield , and ride barded Warhorses .
17 EQUIPMENT : The Knights of the Blazing Sun wear heavy armour and carry a shield , and ride barded Warhorses .
18 EQUIPMENT : The Kislev Winged Lancers wear light armour and carry a shield , and ride Warhorses .
19 ‘ And wear a suit of armour and carry a gun , ’ Rose called out sarcastically , ‘ he might hurt you . ’
20 WEAPONS/ARMOUR : Azhag wears a suit of light armour and carries a shield .
21 WEAPONS/ARMOUR : Gorfang Rotgut wears light armour and carries a shield .
22 WEAPONS/ARMOUR : The Emperor wears a suit of heavy armour and carries a sword .
23 WEAPONS/ARMOUR : Kurt Helborg wears a suit of heavy armour and carries a sword .
24 WEAPONS/ARMOUR : Boris wears a suit of heavy armour and carries a shield .
25 In the early 1920s , the destination boxes were lowered to a position at the top of the end decency panels and hoops were fitted over the canopies , these were all of the flat topped type and carried a stairhead lamp .
26 I am conscious that it is a great honour and carries a big responsibility .
27 Robyn 's student , Marion Russell , wearing a long , shapeless black overcoat and carrying a plastic holdall , hurriedly enters a large building in the commercial centre of Rummidge and asks the security man at the desk for directions .
28 It is effective in 80% and is a particularly gentle and safe treatment not requiring general anaesthesia and carries a low risk serious complications .
29 ( Luke : Luke 's account of the anointing of Jesus takes place much earlier in the Gospel and carries a different meaning ( see chapter 5 ) . )
30 The best example is God 's Bridge at Stainmore which spans the River Greta and carries a track now adapted as part of the Pennine Way .
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