Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] the full " in BNC.

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1 Registered foreign lawyers are not permitted to carry out activities reserved to solicitors , but MNPs may employ assistant solicitors to perform the full range of solicitors ' services for clients of the practice .
2 Each piece of gum should be chewed firmly for twenty minutes to obtain the full effect .
3 We are more conscious than ever of the need to take positive steps to promote the full access of girls and women not only to full educational opportunities but also to the whole range of community resources and services , including employment , leisure , housing , social security and the right to property .
4 Weiser is the first critic to see the full significance of the pronouns in the Sonnets , and every reader will benefit from many pages of sensitive criticism in his book .
5 We are conducting some research to establish the full range of reasons why that is so .
6 The rudder will certainly be overbalanced and it will require far more force to apply the full opposite rudder than at any other time in flight .
7 individuals/groups are given opportunities to experience the full range of standards and conditions which are the focus of their learning .
8 a ) Help with clearing land mines ; b ) Targeting rural poverty ; c ) Helping the Cambodian government to make the best use of aid and d ) The UK should use its influence in the United Nations to ensure the fullest support for the move to peace and democracy in Cambodia , and specifically should call for the establishment of a Human Rights Rapporteur for Cambodia reporting directly to the United Nations Security Council .
9 But it is up to the Jockey Club to release the full details . ’
10 The Forests Under the First Two Stuarts : the Last Attempt to Re-establish the Full Forest Administration
11 It is not surprising , either , that the cotton industry of Lancashire should be the first industry to feel the full effects of the application of machinery to production .
12 All too often , newly privatised enterprises remain dependent on political connections for a wide range of monopolistic privileges to cushion the full force of competition .
13 It fell to Alexander to bear the full brunt of Napoleon 's ambition .
14 In January the government , bowing to pressure from the Nature Conservancy Council , amended the Wildlife Protection Act to extend the full protection of the law to the adder .
15 ‘ It tends to select from too narrow a band of families , which allows inbreeding to reduce the full benefit of improvement programmes . ’
16 Mr Mansell , the first Indy-500 rookie to finish the full distance in 23 years , at one point drove past his pit and lost valuable time .
17 The abstract quality of symbols such as the Swastika renders it difficult for cerebral intelligence to grasp the full concept and implications of their purpose , which is to awaken the more subliminal centres relating to feelings and intuitive responses .
18 But I read in an article this morning ( 'Students set to pay full fees ' , 29 September ) that if I were applying in a few years ' time , I would have to ask my parents to pay the full cost of my tuition .
19 They all dole out three courses unless stated otherwise ; it 's worth taking a day off work to get the full benefit , allowing for recovery time .
20 She was told that it was the law to pay the full amount and she must pay it in full , and her answer was that it was the law last year that everyone should pay their own bills , and what happened to them ?
21 IBM Corp has filed a $7.3m federal lawsuit against Nutri-System Inc , saying the debt-ridden diet company failed to make payments on 500 personal computers it had leased — but it sounds as if the Armonkeys will have to sing for their money : the suit accuses the Blue Bell , Pennsylvania , company of making no payments since December and of refusing to allow IBM to repossess the machines , but some of Nutri-System 's major franchisees have filed an involuntary bankruptcy petition against the company under Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy laws — Chapter 7 means curtains — and last week , banks seized all its cash and bank accounts , forcing the company to close its 283 company-owned weight-loss centres across the US ; while Nutri-System has failed to pay only $965,380 due under its lease with IBM , a default entitles IBM to recover the full lease sum of $7.3m .
22 Meantime , I 'll leave Lieutenant Denholm to explain the full horrors of the situation to you — especially the ones you 'll encounter across the lunch table . ’
23 This report attempts to cover the full range of our concerns and convey the strong sense of purpose that , hopefully , infused all our work during 1992 .
24 The tough love hurts the family member not simply because it involves allowing the primary sufferer to experience the full painful consequences of addictive disease but also because it involves the family member in resisting his or her own addictive urges to " fix " all the problems and manage the life of the primary sufferer .
25 Our guiding principle is that pupils with special educational needs should , as far as possible , have the opportunity to experience the full range of the English curriculum , but we make some broad recommendations for modifications to attainment targets , programmes of study and assessment arrangements which we feel may nevertheless be necessary .
26 Then clip the coupon to see the full range of essential Sorbothane sports equipment .
27 Yet others rebel against this marginalization and demand both the right to perform the full range of police work ( from which follows the wish to carry guns ) and that men should become more involved in dealing with child and female offences .
28 It is due to a more far.reaching failure — the failure to conceive the full meaning and possibilities of national education as a whole , and that failure again is due to a misunderstanding of the educational values to be found in the different regions of mental activity , and especially to an underestimate of the importance of the English language and literature .
29 Macintosh Plus , which could be taken on site to encourage the full participation of the client group .
30 Fourthly , the need for collections to reflect the full range of materials available within the priority areas chosen .
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