Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] pull out " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Obviously having been a player here I desperately hope the club can pull out of trouble . ’
2 He agreed that some training groups might pull out but others would take their place .
3 It answers Muslim demands for more political power and offers the Christians promises that Syrian troops will pull out of western Lebanon within two years of the reforms taking place .
4 Other motivations may pull out of line this relationship between assuming and asking ; but at its purest , faith is strong or weak , advances or retreats in direct proportion to what it assumes .
5 The CBI now confirms that the UK should pull out of the present recession at the beginning of 1992 ; in fact , will it ?
6 It seemed that the train would pull out leaving her and the hundreds of milling travellers still shoving each other back and forth across the dimly lit platform .
7 The institute has stuck to its November forecast that the economy will pull out of recession this year , with growth set to reach 2 per cent , although it could fall below 1 per cent or top 3 per cent , given the margin of error involved .
8 Fifteen minutes later the locomotive will pull out of the station hauling an express for London .
9 They believe Britain should pull out of the project and find another weapon to fill the same role .
10 Chris explained : ‘ The length of this recession has n't been accurately predicted by anyone — for example , American economists were forecasting that the US would pull out of recession in 1992 , but here we are at the end of the year and nothing much has changed .
11 THE HAGUE ( AFP ) — Following the lead of Britain and France , Italy will pull out of Nato 's $13bn ( £8bn ) project to build a frigate for the 1990s , according to the Dutch Defence Secretary .
12 To upgrade to multiple CPUs and new , faster microprocessors including the 50MHz SuperSparc when it is available in volume , users can pull out the Sparc module and replace it with a new one .
13 It would take ages , and then someone like Willy Carson would pull out at the last minute .
14 And in the afternoon , at the time he was drowned , her mother would call her inside and bolt the door , and they would kneel together and say the rosary for the soul of the father she had never known ; and when all those Hail Mary 's had been said , and the Glory Be 's and the Our Father , and they had made the sign of the Cross together , her mother would pull out the silver Madonna she always kept hidden at her breast and press her lips to it in a way that said everything you needed to know about love and death and being a woman .
15 But the housing market will pull out of the recession in the second half of 1993 , say the economic pundits .
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