Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 Taking lifetime consumption , this is defined as where the last term represents the present value of wealth passed on ( r being taken here as the interest rate per generation ) .
2 New regulations will require an act of Parliament , but without POs , the industry fears the present rush to increase production , brought about by improved prices , will lead to oversupply in two or three years and another crash — effectively a repetition of events in recent years .
3 This three year programme of research examines the present and future effects of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act ( PACE ) and the Prosecution of Offences Act .
4 The first section of the study examines the present situation of traditional ( sufi ) Islam .
5 This little story describes the present workings of America 's social-security pension system .
6 The paper on the government of Northern Ireland describes the present structure and also reviews experience in three other countries with community problems , the Netherlands , Belgium , and Switzerland .
7 Empiricism reproduces the present world … .
8 ( ii ) When the actor coerces the victim to submit by threatening to use force or violence on the victim , and the victim believes that the actor has the present ability to execute these threats .
9 Mr Franklin says the promised stream of profits averaging £10m over the next five years has a present value of roughly £44m .
10 The Group has no present intention to dispose of the AUK Notes and therefore no tax provision has been made for the potential liability to corporation tax .
11 As a result , the numbers of further education teachers undertaking these courses grew from 795 in 1975 to 1,207 in 1981 and there is reason to believe that the demand for places exceeds the present supply .
12 This case is the most recent in a long line of cases involving the question whether , if the paper owner has no present use for the land , there can be any possession " adverse " to his rights .
13 Yesterday Johnson Matthey — which announced pre-tax profits of £33.5million — said it ‘ has been authorised by Charter to say that Charter has no present intention of either buying or selling shares in the company . ’
14 Yesterday Johnson Matthey — which announced pre-tax profits of £33.5million — said it ‘ has been authorised by Charter to say that Charter has no present intention of either buying or selling shares in the company . ’
15 This graph shows the present value of £1 per year for 25 years
16 As the hobby of metal detecting in Britain has a present following of a quarter of a million people ( plus sympathetic friends and family ) the way we vote could decide which party is to come to power .
17 Changes of stream course can sometimes be inferred where a meandering parish boundary leaves the present stream it is following but rejoins it further along its course .
18 The lack of theoretical discussion reflects the present state of our understanding : we have , on the one hand , only the rather simple philosophical approaches to indexicals ( covering just some aspects of person , time and place deixis ) , and , on the other hand , amass of complicated linguistic facts , to which some preliminary order has been brought by the work of Fillmore and Lyons in particular .
19 Here the forecast extends the present trends into the future .
20 Rather than saying that £100 invested today at an annual rate of 10 per cent will yield £110 in 12 months ' time , we say that £1 10 due in 12 months ' time has a present value of £100 today .
21 Bottom-hole temperatures from wells in southern England suggest that the region has a present geothermal gradient close to the world average for cratonic areas of 25° C/km .
22 ‘ Only male contempt for women as a class perpetuates the present system .
23 Investment should increase capacity up to the point at which the once-and-for-all cost of a new plant equals the present value of operating profits when the efficient pricing structure is in operation .
24 Since raising the rate of interest lowers the present discounted value of returns , a higher rate of interest would tend to be associated with a lower rate of technical progress : we would have with .
25 The principle is the same : the Pope finds the present war inutile both in itself and in its effects .
26 There also needs to be collective approach so every union worker in this section rejects the present derisory offer and builds on a campaign run by the Fire Brigade Union .
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