Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 Such an arrangement is subject to attack by the Inland Revenue under the principle in Furniss v Dawson [ 1984 ] 1 All ER 530 whereby the Inland Revenue are entitled to ignore each of the individual steps and consider the substance of the transaction as a whole .
2 So , please think carefully before you take an axe to any ivy and consider the harm that may be done to countless woodland birds and insects .
3 It is necessary to consider the role of the executive board and consider the types of decisions it actually makes .
4 The report also said the CAA should review its supervisory checks and consider the need for periodic training and testing of engineers and that controllers should take emergency and refresher courses .
5 For example , if we take the domain of banking and consider the definition of the word ’ mortgage ’ as derived from the CED :
6 Like the cab driver , it can be useful to assess your particular balance of needs and consider the extent to which they are being satisfied .
7 To drive this point home , let us leave the Zande for a moment and consider the following experience of a research student working in the Cameroon Republic .
8 If we pause for a moment and consider the place of the Neolithic revolution in the theory of human personality and society so far advanced in these pages we will be struck by the fact that the coming of cultivation posed a major threat to the psychological foundations of human society as they had evolved up to that point .
9 For the moment we ignore government borrowing and consider the argument that high taxation to pay for high levels of public spending necessarily strangles the economy .
10 The proper way to proceed is for Members of the House to consult their constituents and consider the whole Bill in detail first .
11 If insurance is to be sought , the vendor should identify and contact the insurers as early as possible in the negotiations as they will need sufficient time to review the draft documentation and consider the vendor 's requirements .
12 So therefore erm you 've got to be aware of these things and consider the safety implications as we all do .
13 Discussions on core and option schemes covering the final two years of compulsory schooling do of course question some curricular assumptions and consider the curriculum as a whole .
14 In May 1988 an independent panel of respected jurors was asked to hear the verbal evidence and consider the written submissions of 12 community organisations in the North of Ireland .
15 At this point we may take f and g as coordinates and consider the equation in the form ( 10.2 ) which may be rewritten as .
16 In deciding whether material depraves and corrupts , the jury must lift its eyes from mere details and consider the tone and overall presentation .
17 SAVERS anxious to avoid the risk of 60 p.c. deductions from their ‘ unearned income ’ should take a deep breath and consider the possibilities of split capital investment trusts .
18 to develop and pilot-test items and consider the nature of the tests into which they might be assembled ;
19 Under Cause and Onset look at what has been happening in the preceding hours or days to the onset of the illness and consider the speed with which the illness came on and the order of events .
20 One technique involves helping a person to break down a problem into more manageable subproblems and consider the merits of various possible solutions to each part .
21 However , in most cases that problem could be overcome , for example , in an appropriate case by the protector flying overseas to make the appropriate decisions and consider the appropriate proposals .
22 The objectives will be to explore in detail some of the key concepts in this field , notably work , parenthood , and health and consider the most appropriate way of operationalising and measuring them .
23 Because they reject static analysis and consider the market structure of perfect competition irrelevant , Austrians strongly favour market coordination and are highly critical of government regulation of markets .
24 Thus , the most useful way of analysing the first two precedents is to compare the provisions in each of them which relate to the same contractual issues and consider the two different approaches .
25 In this chapter we shall outline the present position in each country and consider the response to the reorganisation of the early 1970s. first , however , we need to consider further the principles which informed the debates about local government structure .
26 In this chapter we shall briefly look at formal organisation structure and consider a variety of views of how this structure might be established so as to optimise the efficiency of the organisation .
27 If we resist the temptation to place the factory system too far back into the eighteenth century and consider the factory mode alongside other prior and parallel methods of manufacturing , it seems hard to deny that there was something of a supply-side response to an increase in demand .
28 One friend who was told of the contents of the letter reveals : ‘ He told her in no uncertain terms that she had to help maintain the dignity of the Crown and consider the repercussions of her actions to the Queen .
29 I will certainly consider the points that the hon. Gentleman made when I read Hansard and consider the ways in which it may be possible to dilute or circumvent the effect of independent arbitration in the way that the hon. Gentleman suggested .
30 Furthermore , we can also classify the source of information in information retrieval ( multimedia products or databases ) as structured documents and consider the preparation of these documents .
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