Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] upon [art] " in BNC.

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1 A wily waif , a fallen wire , a forgotten fraud , a hoper of dope , a sick one , a sick one , body full of mucous , skin a-shining with seasonal sweat , legs heavy and still , eyes shutshutshut upon the brink of twilight , that horrible hour neither day nor night , horrible hour whatever will happen , horrible hour do n't set your shoes upon that chalky broken pavement , do n't dare set foot on that broken pavement , or you will die , yes die , stay put , stay put , your eyes shut , eyes shut , your head still , hot and still , try not to shake though your hands are quaking , try not to stir though your feet are sweating , try not to wake though your chest is heaving , please O please God try not to wake …
2 The following paragraphs focus upon the right to cancel for failure to comply with the requisite formalities , as this is likely to be most important in practice .
3 We can therefore see that certain aspects of economic practice depend upon the so-called superstructure , as well as the other way round , and Althusser concludes that it is a serious error to neglect this aspect of Marx 's theory .
4 The practical effects of adopting fund accounting depend upon the extent to which different funds are utilized and the form and extent to which the individual fund accounts are consolidated in the final accounts .
5 IT 'S DIFFICULT to know whether Joe Bear 's statement ‘ we 're out of tune but you 'll just have to put up with it ’ is an apology or the title of the first song , as Huggy Bear embark upon a set that includes lots of shouting , inept but enthusiastic attempts to play their instruments and generally deconstructs the rock myth with the viciousness of a tantrum in the nursery .
6 When , however , its satisfactions depend upon the infliction of pain or damage upon an unwilling partner , the situation is again that of using a person as a mere object : the sadist ( or , sometimes , the masochist ) may genuinely be said to be a social and personal menace .
7 But there is no doubt that libel law does in other respects impinge upon the justifiable freedom of the press .
8 The social worker within a local authority is never professionally involved with a family simply because it is a family but only when family considerations impinge upon the welfare and interests of some member of a client group — usually a child but perhaps an elderly or disabled adult .
9 The three agencies , the Branches , the commercial agencies and the educational institutions have developed a policy of mutual support whereby the Branches include some academic input in their meetings , the commercial sector provides a more sophisticated programme , and the polytechnics draw upon the strengths and goodwill of their own staff and practitioners to provide seminars at post-graduate level .
10 The content validity of the test is argued on the basis of the range of vocabulary items included , while , for construct validity , the authors rely upon the widely accepted practice of using vocabulary items in intelligence tests , and the justification for this practice put forward by Binet and Simon in 1905 , and by Terman in 1916 .
11 The physical characteristics of weathering profiles depend upon the rock type and its structural properties and mineralogy as well as the intensity and nature of the chemical weathering processes .
12 As much as anything , successful mergers depend upon the chief executive .
13 All these simple garden activities depend upon the real involvement and enjoyment of an adult who loves a garden , and can pass on some of his or her knowledge to children as they work and play together .
14 A further important complication for the study of implementation introduced by the involvement of professionals is that some activities depend upon the co-operation of two or more professional groups .
15 The public legal obstacle having been removed , however , caution required that the final lifting of the ban depend upon the Law Society changing its rules .
16 The extent to which these kinds of considerations can be included in the accounts depend upon the extent to which they were included in the budget .
17 Hence it seems right to argue , as does Kohn ( 1967 , pp. 99–100 ) , that nationalism and the formation of nation states depend upon the development of popular sovereignty ; that historically , in Western Europe and subsequently in other parts of the world , they emerged in opposition to the existing political arrangements of empires or feudal societies , as aspects of a broad democratic movement .
18 Both the tempo and the degree of success of man 's striving for freedom depend upon a host of political , cultural and moral as well as economic factors .
19 The expenditure decisions of the private sector depend upon an extensive array of variables — the rate of interest , the real wage rate , the realized level of income , etc .
20 Unlike civil servants , who win their jobs by competitive examination , judges depend upon a process of consultation and soundings which reproduces the judiciary in its own image .
21 In studying his continuous transformation groups ( groups whose elements depend upon a system of continuously varying parameters satisfying certain differentiability conditions ) Lie was led naturally to study some non-commutative , non-associative algebras subsequently named after him : Lie Algebras .
22 Physiological changes observed during hypnosis depend upon the specific suggestions given to the subject .
23 Conflict is a dynamic process ; and its destructive and long-term effects depend upon a number of factors , not least of which is the inner you , the real person beneath the surface .
24 Similarly , the details of laws encouraging disclosure of information and requiring fairness in an exchange depend upon a more rigorous development of the communitarian political philosophy which values trust and solidarity .
25 Perhaps most important of all , checklists draw upon the knowledge of people who have experience of the child under ordinary , everyday conditions .
26 She noted the flowers agreeably disposed in a vase on the mantelpiece , the recent issues of magazines arranged upon the table , the Radio Times open upon the desk with a programme encircled in red biro ( a talk on Handel operas ) .
27 Some people see this as the natural progression for the martial art to take ; purists and traditionalists look upon the changes with disdain .
28 But there are also maternal ailments attributable to the number of births , the ages at which women bear children and possibly also to the amount of time that elapses between births , presumably , among other things , because the reproductive pattern influences ability to meet demands that pregnancy and breastfeeding make upon the body .
29 Research concentrates chiefly on throwing light on two unknowns : will the new weapons lead to manpower savings ; and what demands will the new weapons make upon the skill of the average soldier .
30 In the second , libraries draw upon the resources of one central or major collection .
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