Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 Those last few words describe the present position .
2 Further , he might by the same instrument grant a present estate , say for life , to A , followed by an estate for life or in tail to B , and , if he wished , as many further particular estates ( for life or in tail ) to other persons successively as he pleased , ending up , if he thought fit , with an estate in fee simple to some person named .
3 Most of us in England find the present French attitude despicable .
4 Can I can I say that in my opinion that the county council 's current budgeting strategy which effectively imposes a two percent efficiency saving which I might add in figures come to something like one point five million erm is , is of concern but what is of greater concern is the further possibility of a four percent er reduction which is being sought in blocks of three percent and one percent next year for ninety four ninety five which is to the amount of two point eight million at the current prices will in my opinion decimate the present level of service provision in policing .
5 The remains of these figures resemble the present west pediment in style .
6 There is , in theory , an 8-week time limit between committal and trial on indictment , but that rule may be dispensed with by the Crown Court and the following figures indicate the present position .
7 Staff underuse the present ‘ transfer call ’ facilities on the telephone system , and might benefit from training , which need not take long .
8 He said : ‘ I think many people think the present system is really a lottery within a lottery to the prejudice of the Crown , defendants and justice alike .
9 Routine decisions allow the present system to keep going to keep the status quo .
10 Tory councillors think the present plans are unworkable and would pedestrianise Northgate instead .
11 If the scheme is to qualify for grant aid , the benefit-cost assessment must show that the present value of all the benefits derived from the scheme exceed the present value of all the costs .
12 Harrison and others defend the present system with another argument .
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