Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] long standing " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A previous engagement of long standing .
2 Social institutions of long standing sustain their own value systems .
3 In cases of long standing suppression this potency works marvellously ; this is because where one or two doses of the centesimal potency may fail to revive the suppressed symptoms , the repeated application of potencies of this scale can , and cure is begun .
4 In cases of long standing chronic disease I expect the patient to start feeling better within a day or two and certainly would n't continue with a remedy if there was no improvement after a week .
5 Provide for catharsis — release of interdepartmental or interpersonal conflicts of long standing .
6 ‘ The situation in the Far East , in Asia and the Ocean expanses adjoining it , where we are permanent inhabitants and seafarers of long standing , is to us of national , state interest . ’
7 That result spotlighted discontent with Mr Meciar , often accused of being authoritarian , inside the HZDS and prompted a fierce public row between the prime minister and his foreign minister , Ivan Knazko , a party stalwart of long standing .
8 This decision settles an inter-departmental squabble of long standing and opens the way for the government to reconsider Britain 's equally long-standing refusal to sign the World Heritage Convention .
9 Whilst renters were encouraged to participate in the neighbourhood and its organisation , lack of involvement by this group resulted in the membership being comprised of owner-occupants of long standing .
10 We have been influenced here by the consideration that there are a number of discretionary trusts of long standing where tax avoidance was not the main motive in the settlor 's mind when he established the trust .
11 Autnomic neuropathy is a frequent complication of long standing diabetes mellitus .
12 They were all Altun family retainers of long standing — men whose first and only concern would be to protect the interests of the Kha-Khan — and Burun watched them out of the corner of his eye in case it occurred to Nogai to send Sipotai warning .
13 This act brought to a head problems of long standing whose roots were to be found in two factors .
14 Sir , — I am the General Secretary of The Bankruptcy Association of Great Britain and Ireland and I am writing to express my continuing concern over the catastrophic numbers of people going bankrupt in business — many of them businesses of long standing .
15 ‘ A dear friend of long standing .
16 One of the two clients of lawyer A classified as doubtful was a personal friend of long standing in the throes of a divorce .
17 Kay Evans introduced Dr. Monnica Steward as a friend of long standing .
18 Only those situations which are really knotted , with personality or relationship difficulties of long standing , tend to come the way of a qualified or specialist social worker for elderly people .
19 A clause that is otherwise unreasonable will not necessarily be saved because it is a clause of long standing in a widely-used standard form .
20 Those elderly from social classes 1 and 2 illustrate a prevalence of long standing limiting illness which is 20 per cent lower than that recorded by their counterparts from classes 4 and 5 .
21 Er our client is a local employer of long standing who is concerned about the local environment and erm , objects most strongly to these locations .
22 ‘ We were acting on complaints of long standing made by the Forestry Commission , who own the land in question . ’
23 Both are motorcylcists of long standing and had hardened themselves in readiness by taking to their bikes in the run-up to the rally .
24 He grew up in a Free Church home in Huddersfield with grace before meals and friends in for hymn singing on Sunday evenings after the service in the Baptist church ; he was a Fabian of long standing ; a cofounder of War on Want ; and his wife was a daughter of a Congregational minister .
25 I have six Knights — Brian Blessed , Oliver Reed , Bernard Manning , Keith Healy ( a platonic pal of long standing ) , Malcolm and Kenneth .
26 The high spot of the week was having lunch with Ronnie Hazlehurst , musical director for the B.B.C. , fellow-Northerner and pal of long standing .
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