Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [det] kind " in BNC.

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1 He also laid down certain rules fur balance , on the need to bend the knees always as a preparation for any kind of step followed by a stretch , on the vital use of the head and on the need fur the co-ordination of all parts if the desired movements were to be precise and elegant .
2 Further experiments will be carried out to determine the underlying reasons for this kind of confusion and how far it occurs in everyday life situations .
3 And from that moment to this there had been no opportunity for any kind of personal discussion .
4 However , it does provide the opportunity for another kind of manipulation .
5 PPC : There 's no excuse for that kind of attitude being taken by any sales team .
6 With modern technology there is no excuse for this kind of slapdash remastering .
7 By the end of the nineteenth century it was fairly obvious that the dialogue was not materializing , as the social and political events of the 1880s had made clear , and the employers ' counter-attack on trade unions in the 1890s gave little hope for any kind of reconciliation .
8 What they each gained separately was a greater individual confidence and capacity for self-determination as women , and each of them fed that confidence back into a variety of struggles to change the position of women , and in the case of the majority of women in that particular group , to a struggle for some kind of socialism .
9 What we are trying to do is to provide good people who have an enthusiasm for this kind of catering with a fast route towards management responsibility , and that is a route which , for those who want it , can lead right up into store management and beyond .
10 The shabby room above the tobacconist 's shop where we held our ward meetings became home to me and , in a queer way , made me feel whole and integrated again so that I began to look back on the activities I had taken part in with Sophie as some kind of mental aberration .
11 Ideally , of course , the best support for any kind of camera is to mount it on a tripod , but tripods are awkward things to carry and they also have a dampening effect on spontaneity .
12 The objections that are raised against identity assumptions in respect of meanings in such a context are chiefly motivated by the fear that such assumptions might commit us to accepting meanings as some kind of entities .
13 All proposals for any kind of training , however , were subject to severe limitations ; and the most important of these was rooted in the nature of old-regime society .
14 Writers with a preference for market over regulatory solutions ( whom we will refer to generically as ‘ market theorists ’ ) insist that management and shareholder interests are adequately aligned by market forces , and therefore that the lack of shareholder participation in the internal processes of control need give no cause for concern , and certainly does not indicate the necessity for any kind of external intervention .
15 There are no rules for that kind of process .
16 It 's the recession nobody has any money for that kind of thing …
17 I think if if we just hand out money for those kind of things , then the pressure is taken off D H S S
18 The guard traced his finger down the typed list of names attached to his clipboard , found the name , then asked Whitlock for some kind of identification .
19 Nonetheless , very considerable experience of using groups for this kind of research shows that they do tend to produce very consistent results , even where different researchers cover the same problem .
20 But he has n't the nerve for this kind of thing .
21 Erm I I think that one of the erm , drawbacks in using animals for any kind of testing is that it sort of precludes in some way using alternatives .
22 The taxi dance hall was , therefore , a complex combination of the outright commercial exploitation of women and these women 's search for some kind of identity .
23 The island , a small green tree-covered expanse in the middle of a smooth , glassy lake , came into closer view , and edgily she cast a glance around the boat for some kind of weapon .
24 ‘ But a body would need to have a car for that kind of caper .
25 Have I lost whatever talent for this kind of thing I might once have had ?
26 The precedents for this kind of poem go back to the seventeenth century , and one could usefully look at Pope 's Windsor Forest or Dyer 's Grongar Hill .
27 Poppy 's mother was concerned her daughter might regard the home therapy as some kind of punishment .
28 But then , if IRS had wanted to be scrupulously honest , they 'd have had to call the compilation ‘ A Cynical Attempt To Cash In On R.E.M . 's Current Popularity By Fobbing Off Yet Another Collection of Old Songs As Some Kind Of Definitive Statement ’ .
29 Many people today still see Freud as some kind of sexual pervert , taking his theories to be rather far-fetched .
30 This will involve judicial review through some kind of supreme court of the United Kingdom .
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