Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] available for " in BNC.

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1 These were then collated and summarised by a planning group with copies made available for all in order to encourage further dialogue , debate and reflection at a second conversation the following evening .
2 By the mid-18th century trade had begun to expand and money became available for more adventurous schemes .
3 Within the year there was money made available for projects which could take the broad skills of a science like genetic manipulation and give them a saleable medical application .
4 Restrictions by the Ministry on grant made available for new appointments also meant that vacancies between the resignation of one tutor-organiser and the arrival of a successor could be prolonged .
5 Are school policy documents on curriculum matters available for you to read and take home ?
6 One corollary of that desire was that , apart from the Woodville forfeitures , little patronage became available for redistribution .
7 One corollary of that desire was that , apart from the Woodville forfeitures , little patronage became available for redistribution .
8 Their report , published by the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , draws on climate data made available for the first time to the West by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences .
9 Securing public funds made available for urban regeneration has been a key target .
10 The following is issued for the guidance of persons attending to a weighing carried out on a weighbridge made available for use by the public and for which a charge is made : —
11 Once multimedia delivery is possible , major opportunities become available for offering immediate , accessible guidance on the use of the system .
12 Membership is sold through a bid-ask system when a seat becomes available for sale .
13 Financial compensation became available for the first time for criminal injuries ; the community service order raised hopes as an alternative to custody ; and an elaborate system of parole , later greatly expanded , was instituted .
14 No. 19 , in page 3 , line 12 , clause 3 , at end insert " any financial assistance made available for management or employee buy-outs shall be available for up to three buy-out attempts by existing management or employees within any one of the undertakings created by the Act . "
15 Detinue has now been abolished but the remedies for conversion where goods are detained by the defendant are now found in section 3 of the Torts ( Interference with Goods ) Act 1977 , which is modelled on the common law remedies available for detinue .
16 litre engine becomes available for the Vauxhall Astra .
17 This causes the anterior pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone , which brings about complete growth of the ovarian follicles and causes some of them to rupture ( ovulation ) , releasing their egg-cells from the ovaries to become available for fertilisation within the oviducts .
18 Recoverable ACT should be deducted from the deferred tax account , if there is a deferred tax account available for this purpose .
19 In these conditions , the type of homosexuality that is mediated through pop music can only go just so far : in a perfect paradigm , Frankie Goes to Hollywood exploited the gay image of lead singers Paul Rutherford and Holly Johnson — for ‘ Relax ’ — and then dropped it like a hot potato as soon as another marketing device — this time , nuclear war became available for ‘ Two Tribes ’ .
20 Does my right hon. Friend accept that there is widespread support among parents for the Government 's proposal that schools should make their public examination results available for publication in common form ?
21 From this figure they deduct their estimated income from charges and central government grants together with any cash balances available for the purpose .
22 Also capable of supporting offshore operations in severe environments the vessel has the safest and most modern saturation diving sustem available for underwater operations including accommodation for an 18-person dive team .
23 It plays full-size discs and can therefore benefit from the international range of CD-I discs made available for full size , in situ CD-I players .
24 Statutory controls should be introduced on industrial and commercial development , and resources made available for the removal of existing inappropriate developments .
25 Three rivers rise in these uplands , the Nene , Welland and Avon , but none of them carries much water before they drain eastward and westward off the plateau , and the total water supply available for canal development in the area was never adequate .
26 Only in the final stages of breakdown does the nutrient become available for uptake by living plants , and this can take weeks or even months .
27 Erm from there we went into this purpose built flat above a grocers shop , it was meant for the manager of the grocers shop , but he had better sense and so the flat became available for letting to the Borough Council who at the insistence of the owners of the house we were in , erm , were anxious to get their property back and so we found ourselves in a brand new flat , the first tenants , although this was not very highly to be recommended , you approached your flat up er stone staircase , er from the outside so you exposed to the elements er you then walked across the roof , flat roof over the shops until you came to your flat door , erm , Islington at that time was just beginning the , to see the influx of immigrants from the colonies as they were in those days and er , they in turn created much heavier demand on what little vacant property there was , so that the district rapidly deteriorated and for many people who were not in the fortunate position that we were found it necessary or desirable to leave because they were sharing rooms or sharing houses with people whose ways of life were different from theirs and this is something I think that housing authorities learnt to appreciate over the years that the differences between people 's ways of life are one of the major causes of social distress .
28 For instance , a rock shattered through physical weathering will be more liable to chemical weathering because of the increased surface area made available for chemical reactions .
29 Similar careful thought was given to all items made available for schools , amongst which was an economical " limited " palette of colours , personally recommended by Basil : a palette , in fact , fit for use by Van Gogh himself .
30 ‘ To have more staff time available for planning and implementation of training i.e. Assistant training officer ’ .
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