Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] the amount " in BNC.

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1 THE WORLD 'S largest floating concrete dock was officially completed for the Royal Navy yesterday , as an admiral disputed the amount by which its costs had overrun .
2 To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he has any plans to increase the amount of earnings disregard before benefits for lone parents are affected .
3 The revenue repaid the amount of the tax and interest which accrued subsequent to the date of the decision of Nolan J. on 31 July 1987 , but refused to pay interest prior to that date contending that the principal sum could not be recovered as a debt under section 35A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
4 Whilst it may possibly have been the intention to increase the amount in the new rates , no provision appears as yet to have been made .
5 The vendor 's agent disclosed the amount of an offer made by one potential purchaser to another .
6 ‘ On further consideration ’ it can be seen that the fact that the dividend had to be paid out of reserves reduced the amount of assets available to the bank for investment .
7 This has in effect reduced the amount of space devoted to Western art to 25% of what it was before .
8 If the complainant is still determined to become a plaintiff , the fact that a prompt apology has been made can be relied upon by the defendant to lower the amount of damages .
9 This is often the case in relation to listed and quoted companies because the IPC of the ABI has issued guidelines limiting the amount of unissued share capital over which there is a s80 authority to one-third of the existing issued share capital ( see its memorandum dated 10 September 1992 ) and most listed and quoted companies follow these guidelines .
10 PILGRIMS to Walsingham are being asked by clergy to reduce the amount of Holy water they take from the Anglican shrine because of fears that the well will dry up .
11 The plan , which involved charging a flat-rate tax per kilo , represented an attempt to reduce the amount of waste dumped in landfill sites .
12 Fearing the worst , some depositors took steps to maximise the amount of the payments from the deposit protection fund .
13 Unofficial guesses in Taiwan put the amount of cash rather higher , at $15 billion-25 billion .
14 The Department of Transport stressed that only certain stretches of the A66 would be closed at any one time in an attempt to minimise the amount of disruption and keep traffic moving .
15 The plaintiff succeeded in the county court in an action to recover the amount of his loss , and the decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeal .
16 In fact when LEAs increase the amount of inspection work they are required to carry out , this could well be one of the ways in which they are able to help schools move forward .
17 He fears motorists are no longer held in high esteem and it was time the Government took steps to limit the amount of damages payable after a traffic accident , otherwise there would soon be no motorists left .
18 How does the witness assess the amount of detail required ?
19 The Commission also aims to put pressure on industry to cut the amount of non-recyclable packaging .
20 The theory of risk compensation , which has been around for years , says that drivers adjust the amount of risks they take to keep their perceived level of risk constant .
21 One surprise measure in the Budget was the freeze on the ‘ earnings cap ’ which was introduced in the 1989 Budget to restrict the amount of salary that could be used for pension contributions for high earners .
22 This enables the exporter to price the contract to reflect the amount of Sterling he expects to receive .
23 The cut is part of a regular review system that adjusts funding to reflect the amount of interest in the programmes .
24 The tax price index measures the amount of gross income needed to maintain a level standard of living once taxes , national insurance and prices have been allowed for .
25 These transactions bring the amount raised to date from the 1992/93 asset management programme of £1,005 million , of which £363 million represents the disposal proceeds from peripheral upstream interests .
26 It is usually expressed as the number of moles of solute in one litre ( that is , one cubic decimetre ) of solution : where n(X) denotes the amount of solute X , Vdenotes the volume of solution and [ X ] denotes the concentration of solute X in solution .
27 According to the report , the overall net downgrading can be explained in part by the increased monitoring effort of the NRA and by the hot and dry summers of 1989 and 1990 , which in many areas reduced the amount of water available to dilute the inputs of contaminating waste .
28 But when the milestone passed 123 days , breaking a long-standing record , terminal management boosted the amount to £5000 .
29 Article 31 ( also printed in bold ) should be used as S.7 of the Companies Act requires an unlimited company 's articles to state the amount of share capital with which it proposes to be registered .
30 Recent studies show that parents underestimate the amount of depression their children may be suffering .
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