Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] the sort " in BNC.

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1 Among other things , Peaks Marine supplies the sort of deck canopy you might shelter under to keep the rain out of your Pimms at Henley .
2 Noting that the Marxist classics attribute great importance to the possibility of replacing officials , Hegedus argues that ‘ for the most part , administration involves the sort of functions where a planned rotation of official personnel is expedient not only for the sake of opposing bureaucratic tendencies but also for the sake of greater efficiency ’ .
3 Gascoigne enjoyed good support from Batty , who had another busy game in midfield and rarely allowed the opposition to establish the sort of rhythm they tried to set up at the start , when Boban and Suker tested Woods with low shots after some swift exchanges of passes had succeeded in outmanoeuvring England 's defence .
4 Although this programme can not do more than offer an introduction to the mastery of the skills needed by instructors , it is nevertheless of considerable importance in that it is a measured and significant attempt to provide the sort of training upon which the success of YOP and , even more important its successor , the Youth Training Scheme , will depend .
5 Dulles in any case made few friends among foreign politicians apart from the dour West German chancellor , Konrad Adenauer , and Jean Monnet ( chairman of the European Coal and Steel Community who was doing more than any other figure to create the sort of Europe desired by Washington ) .
6 Many women authors extend the sort of metafictional self-scrutiny which The Golden Notebook so extensively sustains : Eva Figes 's novels , for example , often raise self-referential questioning of their own representational validity and Muriel Spark teases several of her heroines with unsettling awareness of the process of their own creation .
7 Doubtless they represent a thorough-going attempt to adopt the sort of Roman style envisaged by Fortunatus , and they presumably drew an admiring response from some of the more backward-looking members of the Gallo-Roman aristocracy .
8 He had often told her that it was a social disadvantage having the sort of wife he could n't take anywhere , but he dropped this line when she started appearing beside him at literary lunches and old school do 's .
9 She began working with ‘ handicapped ’ children and concluded that the methods which she had found most successful in dealing with feeble-minded children would be quite applicable to those who were normal and that ordinary schools needed the sort of transforma-tion she had accomplished at her own ‘ special ’ school .
10 The Lord Willington looked the sort of place into which dishonest rascals might put their inconvenient relations in order to get them out of the way : uncles with the DTs , incontinent aunts , senile grandads , and cousins who 'd been odd since they were born .
11 The Committee concluded that the broadcasters could legitimately claim to have made a praiseworthy attempt to deliver the sort of programmes they had promised .
12 None of these animals have the sort of intelligence that would enable them to function as successful human beings ( ignoring the physical differences ) , but then we would not seem to have the kind of intelligence that would enable us to operate successfully in their environments .
13 British Nuclear Fuels has always denied that its operations cause the sort of dangers alleged by its critics , and affirmed that its discharges and exposure levels are kept within the limits laid down by the regulatory authorities .
14 Katherine has the sort of confidence only privilege can buy : ’ Watch me Tess , learn from me ’ .
15 Having never fought an election before , Mr Keen has the sort of 100pc record any football manager would envy : played one , won one .
16 Leeds boss Howard Wilkinson whose own title defence is in tatters , admitted : ‘ There are eight or so teams up there , but there is no indication that any of them are putting together the kind of run that looks ominous ‘ Blackburn showed the sort of confidence against us that comes from the feeling that you have got a chance .
17 Will a new tier of decision-making help to unravel the sort of deadlock that is already strangling the prospects for any change in London ?
18 But BitC was an outfit with drive , enthusiasm , and a determination to make the sort of changes in society that Charles had been trying to make for years .
19 BMC national officer Roger Payne explained that the policy at the BMC is to try and give funding to experienced groups of British climbers attempting the sort of peaks which provide a strong technical challenge but are unlikely to get commercial sponsorship , simply because no-one apart from climbers has ever heard of them .
20 And many films attacked the sort of conservative attitudes which held back the British war effort .
21 And there must be the willingness to give professional journalists the confidence to tackle the sort of journalism we need to sustain our democracy .
22 What is difficult to establish is whether the job attracts the sort of goal profiles that are suitable or whether the individual is attracted by the job and then develops a profile suitable to it .
23 Today the man in charge outlined the sort of people who 'll make up the bulk of the 450-strong workforce .
24 North out half Derek Wilson had the sort of day he will want to forget .
25 Despite its shortcomings and my own , working on Switchboard gave me the tools to work out some sort of political consciousness , the level of articulacy required to stand up for what I started to believe in and the confidence to take the sort of shit that comes to any woman who does that , anywhere .
26 Satan ran the sort of club which anyone could join .
27 Peter Williams had the sort of nice neat blazer that everyone can remember being forced to wear at some traumatic stage in their lives , while the commentators and summarisers , who all sounded about 70 , had a comfortingly narrow command of the English language .
28 But it is only in the last 30 years that Australia has secured the knowledge , technique and the desire to produce the sort of subtle , light wines which we enjoy — and at which Australia excels .
29 Both these points , strongly made by Olive Tunstall and her colleagues in their BBPS article , are directly relevant to the continuing attempts by psychologists to achieve the sort of professional recognition given to doctors concerned with the physical , rather than mental , well-being of people .
30 The Knack also provided Crawford with the opportunity to do the sort of daredevil stunts for which he would later become famous .
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