Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [not/n't] see " in BNC.

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1 It is essential that the members of a history department do not see the introduction of National Curriculum history as their entire curriculum .
2 Although Durkheim did not see economic developments as unimportant , for him they were in no way basic .
3 Lucy did not see Doreen or Silas again until late in the afternoon when she moved to close the office window , and it was then that she caught sight of them standing outside one of the chalets .
4 Dot did n't see her again .
5 However , it does appear that the notion of language teachers joining a profession with its own history does not figure largely in tutors ' conceptions of their work , that English tutors do not see ‘ language ’ as something requiring separate attention , and that all tutors tend to play down aspects of language policy or language in society .
6 Gittens said : ‘ The fans did not see the best of me .
7 What fans did n't see was special effects boss Derek Meddings on the floor with his hand up her dress to keep it from ruffling up and his assistant up a ladder holding the tension on a piece of fish wire while the zip was being pulled down .
8 Undoubtedly the parties did not see it like this .
9 Ramsey did not see why it should not have a wider interest as in Henson 's day .
10 The Prussians did not see , did not want to see , could not afford to see , this side of life in their border districts .
11 They insist most drivers do n't see it as a toll too far .
12 You could n't … 'Woodruffe struck a light , but Lambert 's eyes did n't see it , and the flame burned itself out .
13 ‘ Well , as I 'm always sayin' to me old Dutch , what the eyes do n't see the 'eart do n't grieve about , and a bloke 's got to make a livin' some'ow .
14 However , ordinary newspaper readers do not see such a vast array of newspapers and reading some newspapers rather than others gives a very different view of the extent and type of sex crimes in a nation .
15 Ghatak did not see any contradiction between these two approaches .
16 Danish schools whose heads do not see themselves as curriculum leaders are not necessarily sunk in apathy or mechanically carrying out the dictates of a central programme .
17 Hardy is amused that Richard did not see the steel beneath the silk .
18 Unlike them , Mary Queen of Scots did not see complexities in the situation ; like her grandson Charles I after her , she assumed that the expression of the royal will from a distance was enough to make problems go away .
19 Branson did not see Malcolm McLaren for another five months , by which time association with the Sex Pistols carried with it the whiff of high treason …
20 Delia Sutherland did not see the children among the headstones .
21 President Mitterrand does not see the European Council , as de Gaulle saw the Fouchet plan , as a means of stalling European integration .
22 Scott does not see strata as consisting of individuals , nor does he see them simply as positions generated by the economic system , but rather as groups of inter-marrying and inter-connected families .
23 Conran does n't see anything ostentatious about owning four homes .
24 I hope André does n't see this as a welcome mat for him to make any more advances .
25 Only the Persian engineer with the sloppy eyes does n't see me as exotic , because he 's that way himself . ’
26 The Publishers Association does not see the damage as terminal , and is planning an amended agreement .
27 A prison source told TODAY last night : ‘ Courtney does not see himself as a sex offender so he has not applied for Category C status .
28 The driver and the fireman did not see her .
29 Broomhead did not see fit to let Aggie know this and hoped that a change of abode might revitalise the tomcat 's flagging performance .
30 Mitch came back and Maggie did not see how Ana greeted him , but it was plain that he was restored to his old self , cheerful and easygoing .
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