Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] called [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Alfonsín government elected in Argentina in late 1983 woúld probably also be included in this category , as would the recently elected ( 1984 ) administration in Uruguay ( president Julio Maria Sanguinetti called for expanded economic relations with the USSR shortly before his inauguration ) and the APRA government led by Alán Garcia in Peru which , since its election victory in May 1985 , has taken an active role in the Non-Aligned Movement , vying for the leadership and backing its challenge with moves to extend diplomatic recognition to the Palestine Liberation Organisation ; ( iii ) capitalist , ‘ liberal-bourgeois ’ governments that are oriented towards Washington , for example , Venezuela , Peru under Belaúnde , Colombia ( before 1982 ) , Costa Rica and Jamaica ; ( iv ) ‘ right-wing ’ , ‘ reactionary ’ military dictatorships generally not liked , but supported by the United States .
2 Environmental health officer Richard Hallows called on the public to report any rat sightings to the Pest Control Unit on .
3 On the Tuesday Ramsey called on his former best man Eric Abbott in London , who had urged him never to be a bishop in England .
4 At the meeting federation vice-chairman Richard Coyles called for 3,000 more beat bobbies throughout the country to prevent ‘ anarchy ’ in cities .
5 President André Kolingba called on May 18 for an end to strife in return for the promise of accelerated political reform .
6 And Miss Ross called for an inquiry into prison service procedures for issuing personal protection weapons .
7 Later on in the meeting , Council member David Lindsay called for a full report on Training Outside Public Practice , following his discovery that 62 of the 77 students currently training under TOPP are employed by the National Audit Office .
8 During the 12th plenum of the Albanian Worker 's Party ( AWP ) central committee on Nov. 6-7 , President Ramiz Alia called for changes to the country 's 1976 Constitution , including a redefinition of the leading role of the party and freedom for religious beliefs .
9 Ivan Cooper called on the people of Derry to fight for their rights , ‘ as the Blacks in America were fighting ’ .
10 When they do vote , they usually cast their votes on national issues : Neil Kinnock called for the June 1989 elections to be a judgement on Mrs Thatcher 's term in office .
11 Marie Claire called from the balcony .
12 At the rally Chief Buthelezi called on the ANC leader , Nelson Mandela , to ‘ stop posturing ’ and join him at a series of public meetings to eradicate violence in areas where ANC and Inkatha supporters have been at war .
13 Miss Mallender called at eleven .
14 Grosvenor High School headmaster Ken Reid called in the police last week after pupils confessed to being offered soft drugs by another pupil .
15 ‘ Coming , Samuel , ’ Miss Evans called from the landing .
16 Colonel Moore had left his card and the next morning , at a careful eleven o'clock , Colonel Hope called at the rented villa on the lakeside .
17 The following afternoon Heather called for Shirley , who was in her Six and who lived two doors away from her , and asked her to go with her to Olinton Farm to get some butter .
18 Seven years ago Lyons Tetley called in the Mass Observation research agency ( a WPP subsidiary ) to help determine whether there was any future in an idea it had for differentiating Tetley teabags from those of competitors .
19 Only yesterday in Oxford Frank Baughan called for the youngsters who beat him and broke his wrist to be birched. frank Bishop is n't today 's only victim .
20 South Korea called on the North to accept inspection of its nuclear facilities , which were said to be well advanced in developing a nuclear device [ see p. 38396 ] .
21 The district general hospital in Barnsley , south Yorkshire called for such volunteers when 100 staff went sick .
22 Speaking in public , as he can not do at home , Mr Sisulu said that this weekend 's conference in South Africa called by the Mass Democratic Movement to bring together all anti-apartheid forces was likely to call for intensified economic sanctions .
23 Still , a woman could forget that when a nice upstanding chap like Sergeant Joe called on her .
24 When the Superintendent and Sergeant Bull called on William Day , he denied that the tobacco box was his .
25 Sergeant Potter called at the Gasworks and asked for Miss Deirdre McTavish .
26 On 21 February Sullivan called on Prime Minister Bazargan to assure him , and through him Khomeini , that the US accepted the revolution and would not interfere in Irans internal affairs .
27 Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama called for a tougher line , including an arms embargo , against the junta which has held the democracy campaigner under house arrest since July 1989 .
28 Dr Merson called for national programmes to make AIDS prevention ‘ truly sensitive ’ to the needs of women and give them a greater say in the programmes .
29 Local DUP councillor Ethel Smyth called for defiance of the ban .
30 The Reverend J. M. Wilson called for social purity , ‘ for the good of your nation and your country ’ , and warned that ‘ Rome fell ; other nations are falling ’ .
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